  • Gün 13

    Farewell to our friends

    27 Aralık 2016, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    An early start today, up at 6am and on the road by 7.30am to Viersen Dulken. This is our last day in this part of Germany. We are spending the day with Monika & Bernhard and going back into the Netherlands to a small town called Maastricht. (By the way there is no such thing as a small town over here). It's always an interesting drive following Bernhard. We couldn't have asked for a better day, whilst it was a bit fresh we had sunshine and blue sky; a welcome sight. We meandered around the town looking at the old wall which is now incorporated into the homes. We stopped for a coffee at a local bakery who specialises in organic spelt flour. With our coffee we had Limburg Vlaai which is a fruit flan that is a local specialty. Once again yummy! You wouldn't believe it we ran into another Christmas Market much to Brodie's joy. Deirdre, I made sure I had an Olliebollen here. I think Whyalla does a pretty good job, but would say they are better over here, a lot lighter.
    After a bit more walking around the town we hopped back into the car and headed back into Germany to an old town called Aachen. We had a look around the old part of town and into the church there. It was exquisite, it was covered in mosaics. Aachen is famous for its Christmas Markets, but unfortunately they had finished. It was a welcolmed sight for Brodie to see the wooden hut being carted away. We stopped for another coffee and a roll. It was time to say farewell to our German friends which was hard as we don't know when we will return. It was a great way to end our time here.
    Photo 1 , 2, 3 - Maastricht
    Photo 4 - Limburg Vlaai (fruit flan)
    Photo 5 - Aachen, inside the Dom (church)
    Photo 6 - Aachen outside the Dom
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