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  • Day 36

    Day 32 , 33 and beyond

    October 23, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

    Day 32: I have to say that the trip home was not a travel experience I would like to repeat anytime soon. But after 20 hours of delayed, missed and rebooked flights, I finally made it home about 12:30 am. To say my own bed was a welcome sight is a definite understatement! 💤😴

    Day 33: A new day 🌅 and the beginning of integration back to "regular life". I enjoyed sleeping in, a sunny walk with Randy, sharing the carefully chosen gifts/souvenirs for him and others, reading, journaling, a meeting, cooking and enjoying dinner together, and ending the day with yoga and meditation in my batman pajamas with my cat Blu 😊

    And beyond: This is where I spend considerable time reflecting. It's where the magic and the wonder of everything experienced, all of it from God, becomes the purpose, the learning and practice for me moving forward:
    Remembering to receive each day as a gift, whatever it may bring, to be grateful for the abundance in my life, that spirituality is found through presence and awareness, to have His living hope that I can be a light to those around me, and to practice true tolerance, to bare with and to love each pesrson, after all who among us is emotionally perfect? physically perfect? mentally perfect? or spiritually perfect?

    I am humbled by God's message!
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