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  • Day 31

    Skydiving and beach bbq!

    April 21 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    The best day ever!! Up at 5 am to get picked up at 6 at the cafe for the thing I’ve been most excited for. It took about an hour to get to the skydiving point, we stopped off at the service station on the way for some breakfast before making our way there! When we arrived all the excitement left and it hit me what was about to happen🤣 we got asked if we wanted to go in the plane with anyone so our group decided to go together! We had to wait around a little while for the two other groups to jump which felt like forever! They played the same video on the tvs of people jumping what felt like about 10,000 times which didn’t help the nerves either! Eventually it was our turn and we got shown to our instructors and they put us in the gear! We all had our matching Australia t shirts on and looked quite the part! Then one by one they called us up to walk to the plane and they started the go pro footage from here, they asked us how we were feeling and if we had a message for home! Next thing we knew we were all squeezed into this tiny little plane. I was next to Ronan and the moral support from each other really helped!🤣 the plane flew up what felt like insanely quickly and backwards! They took some more go pro footage and I look absolutely petrified! Then the door opened and the first person, Rachel, jumped out! Seeing her literally get pushed out made the nerves even worse. He then said to move forward to the edge of the plane, put my head back, cross my arms and tuck my legs under the side of the plane! Next thing I knew and he had pushed us out and we were free falling, it was one of the most incredible feelings ever. It felt like we were free falling for so long but it was only about 10 seconds! It was completely blissful! Then he opened the parachute and everything went silent, it was the most peaceful thing. I looked down and realised I was actually just falling through the sky and that was so weird to think! He then did some turns and spins which were so cool. I looked around me and saw the sea and islands and the view was amazing. Soon enough it was time to land, you had to extend your legs and hold them and push your bum up which when your flying through the air at speed proved to be difficult! We then landed on the beach and he took some more videos. Reunited with everyone on land and everyone was absolutely buzzing! Truly one of the most incredible experiences and I’m so glad I did it. The pictures are funny to look back at too! We came back and did some sunbathing at the lagoon and had some lunch in the local cafe. Later on we got our bbq supplies and headed to the beach to find a bbq, they were all along the beach front. We cooked our dinner and watched the sunset after a pinch me day. We took some pictures in the camera and got a group photo!
    Overall one of my favourite days of the trip and feeling very lucky for it!
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