
marzo - mayo 2024
Una aventura de 41 días de Ella Leer más
  • 21huellas
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  • 41días
  • 105fotos
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  • 18,8kkilómetros
  • 16,9kkilómetros
  • Día 15

    Surfers Paradise breakfast in the sky!

    5 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    We headed to the im a celeb tower for breakfast in the sky, it was very cloudy to start with but soon cleared up! We had the all you can eat buffet and definitely filled our boots. I took some muffins for lunch and lurpaks for breakfast 🫣 we then all squeezed in the photo booth for a cute pic! Then we headed to the greyhound bus which was late and got stuck in traffic! We eventually made it to Brisbane 🫶🏻Leer más

  • Día 15

    Brisbane day one !

    5 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    We then arrived in Brisbane and headed off for some lunch which was surprisingly hard to find as our hostel is in the business area of the city! We found an Italian which was very nice. Then we wandered over to the south bank and saw the famous Brisbane sign and had a gin to dodge the rain! Got the bus back to the hostel and didn’t even need to pay and now am chilling in bed🤣Leer más

  • Día 17

    Australia zoo!

    7 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    A very cute day spent at the Steve Irwin zoo, very wholesome! We got to stroke some koalas and get a selfie with a kangaroo! 🦘🐨 we saw the croc show that bindi Irwin was hosting which was very cool! A very pinch me today again🫶🏻Leer más

  • Día 18

    Travel day to Noosa!

    8 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Today we got on the bus yet again to head to Noosa, half way through the greyhound busses now!! We arrived about 2:30 after the shuttle bus picked us up because the walk would’ve been an hour long! We then chilled out for a bit and headed to the bar for a free drink, didn’t let the pouring rain dampen our spirits as we continued into happy hour! 🍸 now we’re chilling out in the comfiest beds we’ve had in a long time before a busy day tomorrow! This hostel is absolutely beautiful, photos to come in the sunshine tomorrow …😍Leer más

  • Día 20

    Noosa day one, not what we had planned!

    10 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Today we hired boats to go down the river, we originally thought they were bbq boats but turns out they had ice buckets instead so our gins kept nice and cool anyway!🤣 these photos were taken moments before disaster when one of our girls jumped off the bridge into the water which was too shallow and she’s now broken her leg! Not the relaxing boat ride we thought we would have! We came back to the hostel and jumped in the pool and made the most of happy hour with a gin spritz! We then headed to bongos bingo at another hostel which we got the shuttle to which was interesting to say the least! We were tucked up in bed by 10pm!
    Only one more day in Noosa before our Fraser Island trip for 2 nights. It’s going so quick now!🫶🏻
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  • Día 20

    Fairy pools!

    10 de abril, Australia ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    Today we walked up through the national park to the fairy pools, it was a good hour and a half walk because we had to stop every 10 minutes to take a photo of it all because it was so beautiful! 🤣 it was mostly uphill too so we were very out of breath by the end of it🫣 then a couple of us headed back a bit early because the work down to the pools themselves were quite treacherous and we didn’t fancy it after yesterday’s antics! We then had cheese and wine night at the hostel and are now packing ready to head to rainbow beach tomorrow for our Fraser Island tour where we have 2 days off grid!

    Also saw the first spider I’ve seen in Aus today, a sign of things to come for Fraser!
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  • Día 22–24

    Fraser Island!

    12 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    I had the best 3 days on Fraser Island, even if we were completely off grid which turned out to be very refreshing and relaxing!
    Day 1 was a 5am start to get to the jeeps and we headed off to get to the barge to ferry over to the island. We drove along the beach for a while which was so cool before heading inland on the tracks to lake Mackenzie, this was absolutely beautiful!! Then we had some wraps for lunch and went on a walk round a park before heading back to the camp for the first time! We had a bbq dinner which was lovely but not as good as Uncle Pauls bbqs! After that we took a walk to the sand dunes to watch the sunset which was absolutely beautiful. We had to take dingo sticks with us incase we came across any too! Then we headed back to watch the stars from the beach which was a complete pinch me moment. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen! Headed off to bed before a very early start to watch the sunrise (in our pjs!) the next morning which again was gorgeous. We sat in the trucks though for a bit as it was quite chilly and got some pics! Then we headed off to the champagne pools for a dip, the water was very bubbly and warm although the walk to it was very treacherous over all the rocks. We then sunbathed for a bit before getting back in the trucks to head back inland to camp for a chicken schnitzel lunch and then to the tea tree lakes, these were meant to be great for your skin and hair but I personally couldn’t see a difference! We played some games with the ball in the lake and then did some more sunbathing. Back in the trucks again and we headed back to make stir fry for dinner before more star gazing, sitting by the fire listening to music and then we headed to the rave cave!! The other camp were stealing our drinks though which was a pain but swiftly dealt with by Cory who in his words will fight or defend us against anything or anyone! He stayed true to that! Carried on drinking before heading back for an early night for another early start, 6 am which did feel like a lie in though! Then we made pancakes and toast for breakfast and drove for the last time to Eli Creek to go down the lazy river in rings which was lovely. We went round a good 4 or 5 times! We then did a bit more sunbathing, came back to camp to collect our things and made the journey back to the barge to get the boat home. We stopped in a petrol station in a small village on the island called happy valley and managed to get wifi to break our 3 days off grid streak! We then took some pictures sitting on the trucks and with Cory who was the best tour guide ever, fuck off dingo!! We then got back to the mainland and headed for a fish and chip dinner, definitely not the same as home but it filled us up nevertheless! I packed up my stuff and got a very early night as we were all absolutely shattered!
    Overall had the most incredible 3 days of my life and Cory really made it! 🫶🏻
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  • Día 27

    Scenic flight!

    17 de abril, Australia ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Up early to be picked up at 7:30 for the scenic flight over the Great Barrier Reef and Whitsundays islands! We arrived and checked in and saw the tiny planes on the runway. Then we had to wait around a bit for the pilot to do the safety briefing which took a while! We finally got on the plane which was even smaller inside. It was such a beautiful experience and I’m so glad I did it! The reef was so stunning and the whole experience of flying in a tiny plane was so cool too! ✈️Leer más

  • Día 28

    Whitsundays boat trip!

    18 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Today we went on a day boat trip to the Whitsunday islands! We got picked up from the hostel and taken to check in where they gave us two little tokens to get our stinger suits because it’s still stinger season and to get onto the boat.
    We got on this little speed boat which is not what we were expecting at all but it was so fun! We made friends with some Irish girls and a girl from Hertfordshire who were all really lovely! We headed off to the viewing point (which was a treacherous walk!!) and met with these insane views, the sea was so crystal clear and blue and the sand was so white. We learnt so much about the island from our tour guide! These views were incredible. Then we got back on the boat and headed to do some snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef! We put on our stinger suits and snorkel gear which was interesting! Seeing the reef so close was so incredible, it was so beautiful and we were able to see so much wildlife too. There was so many fish and we even saw some small jellyfish too! The coral still had some colour in a couple of places which was incredible too. Then we headed back to the boat for some lunch which was salad and meats. I then sunbathed on the Whitsunday main beach for a whole which was incredible to see, waking up from a nap in the sun to that view was amazing!🤣 we then headed back to shore after an amazing day and had a McDonalds for dinner!
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  • Día 31

    Skydiving and beach bbq!

    21 de abril, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    The best day ever!! Up at 5 am to get picked up at 6 at the cafe for the thing I’ve been most excited for. It took about an hour to get to the skydiving point, we stopped off at the service station on the way for some breakfast before making our way there! When we arrived all the excitement left and it hit me what was about to happen🤣 we got asked if we wanted to go in the plane with anyone so our group decided to go together! We had to wait around a little while for the two other groups to jump which felt like forever! They played the same video on the tvs of people jumping what felt like about 10,000 times which didn’t help the nerves either! Eventually it was our turn and we got shown to our instructors and they put us in the gear! We all had our matching Australia t shirts on and looked quite the part! Then one by one they called us up to walk to the plane and they started the go pro footage from here, they asked us how we were feeling and if we had a message for home! Next thing we knew we were all squeezed into this tiny little plane. I was next to Ronan and the moral support from each other really helped!🤣 the plane flew up what felt like insanely quickly and backwards! They took some more go pro footage and I look absolutely petrified! Then the door opened and the first person, Rachel, jumped out! Seeing her literally get pushed out made the nerves even worse. He then said to move forward to the edge of the plane, put my head back, cross my arms and tuck my legs under the side of the plane! Next thing I knew and he had pushed us out and we were free falling, it was one of the most incredible feelings ever. It felt like we were free falling for so long but it was only about 10 seconds! It was completely blissful! Then he opened the parachute and everything went silent, it was the most peaceful thing. I looked down and realised I was actually just falling through the sky and that was so weird to think! He then did some turns and spins which were so cool. I looked around me and saw the sea and islands and the view was amazing. Soon enough it was time to land, you had to extend your legs and hold them and push your bum up which when your flying through the air at speed proved to be difficult! We then landed on the beach and he took some more videos. Reunited with everyone on land and everyone was absolutely buzzing! Truly one of the most incredible experiences and I’m so glad I did it. The pictures are funny to look back at too! We came back and did some sunbathing at the lagoon and had some lunch in the local cafe. Later on we got our bbq supplies and headed to the beach to find a bbq, they were all along the beach front. We cooked our dinner and watched the sunset after a pinch me day. We took some pictures in the camera and got a group photo!
    Overall one of my favourite days of the trip and feeling very lucky for it!
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