  • Päivä 26

    Bloomington, IN

    12. marraskuuta 2016, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

    Throw back to uni days!

    Couldn't help but pop on in the catch up with the baby sister. We've been lovingly put up on the living room floor of her 4 bedroom dorm. The luxury of free accommodation is overwhelming!

    Nightime tempuratures are now teetering on zero, but the sun is still packing some punch.

    We spent the morning on a run/walk tour of campus led by her majesty herself, followed by the first fruit salad in four weeks - devine! The afternoon offered college football, Penn State at Indiana, which was a thoroughly enjoyable show with IU blowing a narrow lead in the dying stages of the fourth quarter. Thrilling football!

    Sunday was spent exploring the region around the bubble that is IU. Evidence of this bubble was found in how little the people of Bloomington knew about the area around Bloomington. We found some picturesque spots nearby, made so by the autumb colours and glassy lakes (read: ponds).
    We also were almost shot dead when a hunter accidently discharged his rifle in the carpark, and nobody but us batted a eyelid.

    That triggerred Monday's activity: presentation on the second ammendment: gun laws. Let's just say there wasn't a lot of logic in the presentation and the sign off note went something like "I need a gun so when the government comes to round us up like Hitler did in WW2 I'll be able to stick up for myself". Riddle me that. Trump away.

    Very impressed with felicity's life in the bubble. Plenty of good company and a full plate of activities. Go her!
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