  • Hari 282

    Lake Louise and Boom Lake, Canada

    26 Julai 2017, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Lake before or lake after?

    It may seem trivial and frankly it probably is but when you're spending four to six hours a day on the road you need all the conversational topics you can find. When does 'lake' precede the name and when not? One of lifes great questions. Perhaps you can bring this up at the water cooler with a colleague and report back...

    Lake Louise was horrendously busy. Millions of tourists, locals, hikers and backpackers flocked to take their selfie spending more time looking at a screen than the view in front of them. Louise was no doubt an impressive lake but the hype about it and the number of tourists left us somewhat unimpressed and kept our visit brief. The joys of having a car!

    We took instead to Boom Lake, a short hour and a bit walk from the carpark. It was a lovely quiet stroll where we saw only a couple of people and had the lake to ourselves when we arrived. More people joined us but it was spacious and quiet with a magnificent view which made it far better than the previous lake. We'd also prepared a pesto pasta salad which was the highlight of the walk (as usual).
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