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  • Day 24–27


    May 2 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We left Izmir and traveled by train arriving in Selcuk after 1.5 hours. Storks nest on every available Greek/Roman column! We had a short walk to the hotel situated below the castle but on a street that had families, cats, tractors, and a small shop; somewhat run down and I thought we couldn't be in the right place but came upon the small hotel, a beautiful oasis! Gorgeous flowers, welcoming hosts, a beautiful blooming courtyard and sparkling pool, and a lovely room. A far cry from our "honeymoon" hotel! We settled in then set off walking to visit ancient Ephesus stopping to talk to an English couple who had worked for the army in Colchester and had visited a cousin in our home town Hamilton a number of times! Small world 🌍!
    We took Googles short cut 🤪🤣, through a farmer's orchard, meeting a man and his goats🐐, with the mama goat trying to herd Bob! After a few nonsensical bureaucratic issues, we entered Ephesus. I didn't realize how large it is and after walking almost 6 kms. to get there, now we had to tackle the ancient ruins! The remains of the library were impressive; Bob was disappointed not to be able to borrow a book!
    We wandered the ruins, the rocks, the columns, and arches and decided we're almost "rocked out" after all the archeological sites we've been to this trip, and how fortunate we are to do so. We walked back to the hotel, this time along the road which was shorter, and relaxed with snacks and a beer and I swam at the pool. A lovely dinner and browsed some shops chatting with the very talkative shop keepers. A tiring but lovely day.
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