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    Singapore day 2

    13. Februar 2018 in Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Ahhh what a lovely cool, comfortable night's sleep. Pathetically first things first we all checked our electronic devices then got ready for the buffet breakfast downstairs. After brekky we headed up to the rooftop pool to check out the view and pool facilities, very nice.
    We walked up the road to Kampong Glam and had a look around there before we tried to get a transit pass which proved to be more difficult than we thought, so we got a taxi to Gardens by the bay. This is the most magnificent place. We went on an audio trolley tour for 20 minutes which was great cause it was sooooo hot to walk around and Jan has a dicky knee. Next stop was the Cloud forest conservatory. It was amazing and so cool with a big waterfall and tropical plants including ferns and outstanding orchids.
    Time to have some lunch and a relax in air conditioned comfort.
    We then went on the walkway over to the Marina Bay Sands hotel and shopping centre. Hmmm a bit nice!!!! But I think I'll have to stick to katies and Jacqui E for my fashions!!!!
    Off to the airport to shower and relax and freshen up after an exhausting day out in the heat. Next leg of our journey starts at 10.50pm. UK here we come.