  • Hari 72

    Cape MaClear, Malawi

    17 Juli 2017, Malawi ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Enjoyed a beautiful drive through very dramatic, rocky mountains to the bottom of Lake Malawi - the 3rd largest lake in Africa and a world heritage site. We found a really nice campsite right on the beach where there was only one other couple camping. The village was all around the camp so we really enjoyed wandering into the local market, talking to local people, and saying endless “hellos” and giving high fives and fist bumps to many little kids as we walked along. They seemed super excited to be practicing their English and were ridiculously cute and funny. The downside of staying in the middle of the village was the late-night karaoke and music playing. Luckily, we have a good supply of ear plugs (thanks to the Davis family).
    Did an early morning kayak out to the national park, but didn’t stay out too long as the kayak was fairly tippy and there were some sizable waves because of the wind. Later, we took a boat out to the same island we’d visited by kayak and snorkeled, then cruised to a beautiful place called otter point. We were a bit dubious about getting in the water as they have bilharzia (a wormy-parasite…yuck!), but decided the temptation of seeing all of the colorful fresh-water fish was too good to pass up and that we could always treat the parasite if necessary. However symptoms of infection do not show up for at least 6 weeks – we will keep you posted. Let’s hope they don’t make an episode of “The Monster Inside Me” based on this experience…
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