  • Hari 6

    Boston Harvard University

    22 Agustus 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Hi All,

    So today was a very hot day! Expecting 90' heat so I dressed appropriately, t-shirt and denim hot pants but taking a hoodie for the air conditioning parts. While getting ready I had the TV on in the background with the news, weather etc when an advert came on for... We Buy Ugly Houses. com!! 😂 If I had to sell my house through that I wouldn't know whether to be relieved or offended!?! Really tickled me though...

    It was an early start but a leisurely breakfast in the hotel before getting on the Subway to Harvard University, no surprise surprise I'm not going there but it was really interesting to see. Now I had no idea how big Harvard is, it's like a city, it's got its own fire department, police, cathedral, shops, it is HUGE!!! We didn't go on a guided tour instead preferring to wonder round ourselves, however it was an extra unique experience as it was, I'll say Freshers Week as I'm not sure what they call it here. It was like being in a movie! They were all moving into their dorms with their parents and families with them and the tents were all up in the grounds for orientation etc. I loved it!

    After Harvard we jumped back on to the subway to see the Science Museum, I love a good science museum, however we thought it was holidays here but there were children everywhere!!! Now if you know me well or read my travel blog from Oz last year you'll know how I feel about children... in fairness it probably was more tailored for children but there were some really good bits like the Mental Health exhibition, the human body exhibit and current popular technical devises and how they have evolved, in this section there was even one of the original DeLorean cars from the film Back To The Future III!!! So cool, there were only 7 made. Yes Paula Griffiths and fam, I took a photo! There was also other memorabilia like hover boards and Doc Browns controller for the DeLorean.

    After the museum we got back on the subway to the Mary Baker Eddy Library and went to see the Mapparium, its a beautiful glass sphere a globe of the earth inside it which you go into and they give you a talk and presentation on it. We then went next door into the church, we only had a quick look round as we had to get back to the hotel so 1 of our party could get a taxi to the airport to fly home. And then there were 2!

    Part 2 of the day to follow...

    Love & hugs
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