Almost retired Industrial Arts teacher. Read more Orange, Australia
  • Day 13

    Last day in Darwin

    May 22, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Today after a bit of a sleep in, I dropped Jenny off at the Botanical Gardens while I sourced a long awaited massage to get my back in shape to fly home. We met up again and went to the museum and saw the huge menace crocodile "sweetheart" who met his untimely end of an overdose. We got some barramundi and salad and ate it in the park looking over the sea in front of our hotel. We then went to the wave pool in the harbour precinct. That was a lot of fun. Went for a few walks around and picked up some Thai and ate it at our pool. We had a lazy swim then packed our bags, dropped off the hire car and came out to the airport. Ready for home and some of that cool weather.
    We have covered a lot in a relatively short time and have had a great relaxing holiday.
    Looking forward to coming home and collecting Max, then Dad on Monday.
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  • Day 11

    Last sleep in Darwin

    May 20, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Up early for our Adrenaline adventure replacement for the race experience at Eastern Creek, Matt Wright's Outback Adventure. We walked 2 blocks to be picked up in a coaster for an hour and a half trip out to a location near Dundee Beach. We firstly had a ride in an airboat powered by a thundering v8 diesel. We powered through the small billabong channels to get to a pontoon that had a croc swimming enclosure on it. (not used) We then spent 40 minutes in the airboat going around the waterways looking for crocodiles. We saw a few and also were shown a crocodile's nest and saw eggs that were in the process of hatching. Took off before mum turned up. After transferring back to the dock, and enjoying a hearty egg and bacon burger, hopped aboard a boat to take us for a leisurely cruise down the river. I fished for about 20 minutes from the back, flicking the lure into the banks but had no luck.
    When we got back, we watched the guide feed the rescue crocs. They often get calls to come and collect rouge crocs that are attacking livestock or ones that venture into someone's back yard that got a bit lost. They have a show running on Chanel 9.
    We then had a nice swim in their pool and waited our turn for a ten-minute helicopter ride.
    Eventually, after more swimming, we returned home. Checked out a brewpub and got ready for our sunset harbour cruise.
    Another big day, this time finished off by watching the end of the Parramatta v Manly game.
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  • Day 10


    May 19, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Early day today. Read all the brochures and was convinced that I could catch the big one today so went out with Arafura charters for a half day charter. Left at 6am in the dark and headed 20Nm out to sea to 5 different reefs. Unfortunately, today was a fizzer. One bloke got to take legal fish home while all I got was 3 tiny sharks. A nice boat trip but no lunch.
    Jenny, in the mean time prepared the van for it's return to the hire shop. We both drove to Avis at the airport and picked up the hire car, then dropped off the van and checked in at our hotel.
    We went out to Jenny's orchid farm then went to Howard Springs for a look. We then went to Mindle markets, saw the sunset and went home and watched the NRL.
    Another lovely day in paradise. We love air conditioning and swimming pools.
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  • Day 9

    Jabiru to Darwin

    May 18, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Packed up this morning and had a refreshing swim before heading off. We backtracked to Merle camp ground to have a look then on to Cahill Crossing to see the crocks munching on barramundi. Saw the tide rise and a lots of blokes fishing in vain. Not a bite. No crocs biting either.
    We then pulled over at another crossing and I tried my luck fishing while keeping a keen eye out for the snapping jaws of death. No barramundi. Dropped. Into Humptydoo pub for a quick look. Nothing much to see.
    Arrived in Darwin around 5pm and picked up our bags from our next stay. Walked down to the harbour and had dinner at Fiddlers Green. Pretty relaxing day. We will head off to our powered site when we are done and have an early night. Leaving at 5.30 in the morning for my fishing trip.
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  • Day 8

    Cooinda to Jabiru

    May 17, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Caught our tour coaster this morning to the yellow river cruise jetty. We then spent a relaxing 2 hours being shown first the billabong, then the river, and finally the flood plain. We saw crocs in the wild and lots of birdlife. There was evidence of hoofed animals digging up the bank. We were told by our guide that all hoofed animals in Australia have been introduced and there 5 pests that roam free up here that mess up the National Parks. Our indigenous guide was very knowledgeable and entertaining. Well worth the money.
    We then dropped into the Warradjan Cultural Centre. Bought a couple of souvenirs. Unfortunately, one made in China and one made in India.
    Went to Nourlangi and saw some rock art.
    Went to Jabiru and booked our camp-site, left our chairs and table to claim our spot and drove to Ubirr Rock just before sundown with a picnic and took lots of photos of the sunset.
    After driving back, we went for a swim then ordered another barramundi dinner at the caravan park. Another great day.
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  • Day 7

    Katherine Gorge to Cooinda

    May 16, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    This morning we had breakfast and packed up and headed down to catch the Katherine Gorge boat to do the 3 gorges cruise. The boat took us up to the end of the first gorge. We then had to hop off and do the first of 3 transfers to a new boat in the second gorge. The scenery was stunning. We saw a 2m freshwater crocodile which we were told was quite rare to see. We saw rock paintings and in the top pool had a swim. This was a highlight of our trip so far.
    After disembarking we headed into Katherine for some essential supplies. Jenny's second bottle of wine and ice for Hickys beer. We then dropped into the Museum and soaked up some of the history of the area from stolen generation to floods. It was well worth seeing.
    Jenny drove while noddy had a couple of roadies and a nap. We checked in, had a swim and scrubbed up for more barramundi at the restaurant. Midges and mossies are ferocious here. Lucky I left the mossie coil going with the air conditioning on. Looking forward to the yellow river cruise in the morning.
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  • Day 6

    Katherine Gorge, NT

    May 15, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We stayed here for our second night, although we did get an upgrade to a powered site. Much better for recharging phones and air-con overnight. We went for a walk down to the river. Jenny got her first up close and personal crocodile experience. We bought a crocodile sausage roll. She managed to eat a small bite enough to say that she has eaten a crocodile, a little at least.
    Had a domestic day today doing washing and swimming in the pool. We drove into Katherine again and booked a few activities and then headed back to the golf club to watch the roosters have a win.
    Ended up on a group chat with the girls for Emilie's birthday. Happy Birthday, Em. Picked up a few supplies and headed back for dinner.
    Jenny found some turnaround paintings for the children. well made.
    Another great day.
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  • Day 5

    Mataranka Springs to Katherine Gorge

    May 14, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    After breakfast we toddled down to the Thermal Springs at the Homestead caravan park. Packed up and went up the road to Bitter Springs and floated down with the current in those springs. Both lovely places with clear 35 degree water. Drove to Cutta Cutta caves for an hour tour. When an aboriginal word is used twice in a name in gives it double the importance. Cutta Cutta means many stars. The bats take out the sparkly starry sheen off the wet limestone formations which is spread across the sky to make the stars, then bringing them back with them in the morning.
    We watched the rabbitohs snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat. They played a woeful second half.
    We picked up some supplies and headed out to Katherine Gorge camp-site and missed out on a powered site. Won't listen to advice from travellers again. Also missed out on tomorrows 9am 3 Gorge tour. More great advice. We have Monday booked unless a cancellation comes up.
    Great day!
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  • Day 4

    Adelaide River to Mataranka

    May 13, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Checked out the war memorial this morning at Adelaide River and then hit the road. Stopped for fuel at Pine Creek and found a quirky pub where we shared lunch. Mud brick, pet snakes and croc skeletons and an attached swimming pool. Top pub. Have sort of planned our next moves but are flexible as to where we end up. Went to Edith Falls and went to a lovely swimming hole. Stunning place with lots of walks and pools. No powered sites so we moved on. Drove through Katherine and had a quick look. Were making good time and figured we would be coming back this way anyway so pushed on to Mataranka Homestead. Pub and live music is good but it is "find the power point" at the so-called caravan park. Hope the thermal pools are good in the morning.Read more

  • Day 4

    Tumbling Waters

    May 13, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Backtracked and went to Berry's Springs . Fantastic waterfall and swimming hole. We were a few weeks early and there were crocs still there, so had to just look.
    Went to Wangi Falls. Went for a "walk" that went to the top and around. We didn't know what to expect and only had our crocks on, but survived.
    No swimming again.
    Buley Holes was the next one and thankfully it was open. We had a lovely well needed swim. Then on to Florence Falls. 450m to the Falls and lots of steps and a beautiful reward at the end. Jenny spotted a longer but less cruelling path back which was appreciated.
    Termite mounds were next further down the road, then on to Adelaide River pub. Crocodile Dundee pub. Great feed and beer.
    Watched crocodile Dundee on the computer. We thought it fitting to the occasion.
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