Weergeven op kaart
  • Dag 9

    Nata -> Chobe

    27 december 2019, Botswana ⋅ 🌧 35 °C

    -had an early start in Nata at 4.30am before heading to Chobe where we saw some elephants on the way to Chobe NP
    -we were picked up at a park in 4x4s where we were taken to Chobe NP for a 3hr game drive
    -we saw plenty of impala and vultures on our first 'official' game drive including a drive along the Chobe River where we saw lots of hippos and elephants and the waters edge
    -we also saw plenty of wildlife birds including vultures feasting on a dead elephant
    -we then went to our campsite where we set up our tents quickly and had lunch before heading off to our sunset cruise
    -the sunset cruise on the Chobe River was incredible, we saw some crocodiles, plenty of hippos and water buffalo while a very heavy storm came over!
    -we made our way back to the campsite where we had the last group dinner of the tour before going to bed for a much needed sleep! After a previous hot night and big day it was a very welcome sleep.
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