  • Día 18

    Baños day 5 - Ecuador

    7 de septiembre de 2016, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    El Diablo waterfall

    Cara and I decided that since we didn't manage to bike the waterfalls yesterday(big surprise) that we would do so today. We rented bikes for 5 bucks each and began to bike out of town. We were told the ride was all down hill. It wasn't. Is anyone noticing a motif here besides me?

    Anyways, here is this super sporty football(of the soccer variety) chick with these massive triathlon thighs riding along like little miss daisy as I struggle to keep up, huffing and puffing behind her. We past several waterfalls, each grander and not wonderful than the next. It was one of the lovliest, most gorgeous bike rides of my life.

    Upon reaching the path to el Diablo waterfall, we locked up our bikes and began to walk. Up, yet again(at this point I really don't know how my legs still exist). We reach this enormous display of falling water, the bottom looking like a white bubbling cauldron, and of course climb to ever possible view point and drench ourselves in freezing river water. Anything for the perfect picture! (coming soon, were taken with Cara's go pro)

    After the waterfall we caught a bus back(no way we were riding that back... It would be mostly uphill, no thank you).

    Later that night we ended up going out with all the guys from the hostel. We drank and then went to a club where we drank some more and had a grand time. The night ended, well spent, around 3:00am
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