• Day 19

    Tekija Blagaj

    October 19, 2021 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    This is a Sufi monastery located at the source of the Buna River and dates to the early 16th century. Much of what exists today consists of repairs and restoration of the complex mostly due to falling rocks from the cliffs above.
    The 1st picture is of a part of the tekija visible from across the river. The 2nd picture is taken from a foot bridge abroad the river looking towards the source of the river. The tekija is visible on the left. The 3rd picture is the cave from which the Buna River emerges. The tekija us located immediately to the left.
    The rest of the pictures are taken within the monastery. The 4th picture is in the courtyard and looks at the main building. The 5th and 6th pictures are of rooms within.
    This is a dervish worship space, but to my surprise, these are not the whirling dervishes as there are something like 12 forms of Sufism, and this one doesn't dance. They meet and study the Quran and Sufi texts.
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