  • Jour 6

    The Lumineers

    10 juillet 2017, Italie ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Well our bus misadventures continued tonight. We took the bus by our apartment, and that was easy enough. However, when we arrived at Termini Station for our transfer, bus 910 was nowhere to be found. It was supposed to come every 13 minutes, but we waited almost 40 and no bus. We weren't the only ones waiting though, and the crowd grew and grew and so by the time it showed up, the bus was completely packed! We only had to ride for 6 stops, but was it ever hot and sweaty for that 20 minutes!

    We finally arrived at the venue, which is a really cool outdoor amphitheater. They had "food trucks" (mobile food booths?) and so we got in line to get supper before going into the amphitheater. We chose the vendor with the most interesting menu. Brad and I got octopus sandwiches with sautéed broccoli greens and mozzarella that was so runny she had to smear it on. Evan played it safe with a burrata and tomato panini. We were able to eat our sandwiches while we stood in line to get into the amphitheater.

    After a detour to the washroom, we found out seats in the balcony level. I don't have any good pictures to show how the venue was set up, but there are basically two levels - the floor and the balcony. We had great seats and quickly got settled before the band started.

    The Lumineers came on around 9:45 and were incredible! The crowd was really into them and sang along to many songs. They even did two songs completely unplugged and had the crowd sing "Hey! Ho!" with them, which was really cool! They probably played for 90 minutes, which included an encore. The three of us had a great time singing, clapping and dancing along as knew almost every song they played! It was a Father's Day gift to Brad that we all enjoyed!

    After the concert, we were able to take two buses to get home. With songs still buzzing in our ears, we all fell into bed around 1 am. A long day, but one we are sure to remember for a long time!
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