  • Dia 9

    Piazzale Michelangelo

    13 de julho de 2017, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    During the late afternoon, we all had short naps. We have two special dinner reservations coming up on Friday and Saturday, so we decided to stay in for supper. Brad made us seafood stew (well, we bought it and Brad heated it up) accompanied by slices of this morning's fresh loaf of bread. Evan and Brad enjoyed a quick stint on the patio before we had to catch the bus up to Piazzale Michelangelo.

    The jam packed bus took us up a winding hill where we were told by Giorgio there's a great view at sunset. He was not mistaken! We arrived as the sun was beginning to set and the view of Florence and the Arno River. We camped out and admired the view for quite awhile - Florence is so beautiful! Evan took a ton of pictures as well.

    Finally we decided to start our half hour walk home. We got to see a lot of the city and the beginnings of the nightlife. We passed so many delicious smelling restaurants! We even passed a man made beach where they've set up a bar and restaurant for the summer.

    Our next two days are fairly low key, but once Sunday hits we are very busy. For now, though, we are all looking forward to seeing more of Firenze!
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