  • Tag 9

    Difunta Correa

    20. März 2016 in Argentinien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Stopped off on our drive back to Mendoza at a shrine to a local folk hero who is treated as a saint here. The legend has it that Difunta Correa's husband was captured in the civil war. She tried to find him, with her baby, but her body was found sometime later. She had died of thirst but her baby was still alive having breast fed from her. The main offering placed at the shrine is bottles of water - as Difunta died of thirst. There are thousands of them. Also plaques, prayer requests and thanks for prayers answered with gifts related to the request - car number plates, pictures of babies, scale models of houses and apparently somewhere a room of wedding dresses. Fascinating. My guess is that she represents many things, sacrifice, hope, love, survival, the fight for the cause...Weiterlesen