  • Dag 85

    Day 13

    29 november 2017, Mongolië ⋅ ☀️ -26 °C

    What a wonderful day. After a lazy morning in our ger playing our newly learnt card game, umo, or 108, and listening to the eagles, we headed over to the dunes to climb the biggest one we could. After an hour or so of climbing, using desert grass to help us up when we could, we made it to the top. Wow was it worth it, sand dunes for miles, some giant, some tiny, sculpted beautifully by the wind. Pristine lines in nature, untouched by man. When silent, the singing dunes sang their earth song, vibrating under our bodies, reminding us of connection, oneness, the great power of nature.

    After breathing it all in, appreciating the view, we attempted to play in the world's biggest sand pit by sliding down, which turned into running and rolling as we werent slippery enough.

    After emptying the equivalent of a whole dune out of our shoes we drank tea and rested until supper.

    Supper was a team effort and lesson in making khuushuu, a traditional Mongolian fried filled dough pocket, resembling a friend Cornish pasty. Terrible for you, but delicious.
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