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  • Día 107

    Cactus 🏄‍♂️ 🌵🤙

    17 de abril de 2023, Australia

    It was our third time staying at Cactus and we were there for three weeks. We are staying at Cactus again because it is our favourite place, and we met up with Willow and Matilda from last year, we also made lots of new friends and played lots of games.

    This year was my favourite year at Cactus because we made so many friends, our friends names were Matilda, Willow, Lilly, Grace, Imogeon, Albie, Lenny, Seb and Meki. Each morning, we would wake up do our schoolwork and then go down and play with our friends all day and only come back up to eat. We would hang out at the A-frame all day and play lots of games like truth or dare, capture the flag and cops and robbers. When the surf was good we would organise our parents to drive us to Shelleys because we love surfing together and catching party waves. When the surf was smaller we would go out to Cactus and one time it was a bit too big and we all got wiped out. When it was dark we would play different games like storm Lantern, camouflage and among us. One day, all of the kids made a heap of jewellery and we sold it at the sunset bar. We made five dollars each, all up we made $50, I spent my money on lollies. But then all of our friends left and now we have to hang out with mum and dad 🙄.
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