  • Dag 90

    Three Countries In Two Days

    26. februar 2016, Brasilien ⋅ 🌫 24 °C

    So today we visited the Brazilian side of the falls. They are renowned for not being as spectacular as the Argentinian side but the are still awe inspiring. I'd read in Lonely Planet to make sure you put on your swimmers so as we walked up the trail I took off my dry clothes and proceeded to make our way down the route. It's quite crazy how you get a totally different perspective of the falls from this side and it's difficult to try and place where you were when we walked the trail yesterday. The size of this work of mother nature is beyond description and photography and was a very emotional experience for me, it's really made me realise the grandeur of how we need to protect these jewels of nature. We head towards the Brazilian side of Devils Throat and everyone is buying plastic macs to protect themselves from the spray this giant emulates. People comment on what a good idea I have wearing my bikini, and this also allows me to enjoy the experience to the full.
    After the park we walk five minutes to the bird and butterfly park which is once again something to behold. The park was designed by a man to save the animals that had been caught up in animal trafficking, ranging from toucans to owls to many endangered species of parrot, and we spend over two hours here exploring the beauty of the birds, homed in huge cages but free to fly around, although some are unable to fly due to having their wings clipped by traffickers. The reality is tragic and knowing some of these birds that I'm seeing will probably be extinct before I die is heartbreaking. Travelling has really put me back in touch with nature being in a forest hearing the birds and animals instead of cars and the hustle and bustle of the city you appreciate how special our planet is.
    We catch a bus back to our hotel and prepare for the journey to another country, considering we have spent 6 weeks in one state of Brazil it seems crazy that yesterday and today we have been in Argentina Brazil and later will be heading for Paraguay.
    So we are not caught out again I book the tickets for the journey online and I'm very pleased with myself as this is all in Spanish , although it takes some time we are successful and our bus is booked for midnight. We book a transfer from the hotel to the terminal, and after a couple of hours catching up we are enroute.
    We arrive over an hour early and settle ourselves in speaking with a couple of English girls who are making the same journey.
    The bus arrives but when we go to take our seat there is someone sat in one of them, and short while later another lady gets on claiming my seat. Apparently our bus left an hour ago and because the clocks went back (that was 4 days ago) they still haven't updated there website. A guy from Paraguay is on the bus and speaks broken English tells us the driver can take us to the Paraguay border where the buses are more regular as the next bus from here is at midnight tomorrow. We are still very confused as to what is going to happen but go with the flow and trust the guy that this is the best option. We get off the bus at Brazilian passport control and get our passports stamped, back on the bus for a short time and then off again to stamp into Paraguay. A short while later we arrive at the terminal in Paraguay and to say I will not be staying here for 6 hours to wait for a bus is and understatement. The bus driver tells us if we pay him he will purchase our tickets for our journey later and as we still have no Paraguayan currency we head to the atm. Handing over the money we are ecstatic when he tells us we can get back on the bus and make the journey with them, it's 6 hours to Asuncion and even though I was sure I would sleep the reality is my head is doing over time and sleep is the last thing I will be doing on the bus that is air conditioned to 0 degree's.
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