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  • Day 156

    City Tour

    May 2, 2016 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I have a terrible nights sleep as the German guys in our room think its ok to come into the room at 1 in the morning and speak at the top of their voices as they are getting ready to go out and party. They then come back at 5 in the morning and as my eyes bury out from my little sleeping hole, it must have been scary because they suddenly become quiet and get into bed in a much more respectful manner. We are heading out on the city tour today and Im a little excited to see the real side of Cusco. The tour leaves at 11 so after a bit of breakfast we make our way to reception for it to start. As we are down here a couple of girls recognise me from Paraty and say your the woman who helped us. My new name is mother teresa of south america. The tour is really interesting, we are first taken to the San Pedro market where you can buy literally anything. The first area is vegetables and spices , where they have a potato called a mana which apparently has a substance for making Viagra since this has been found out the chinese have been exporting it and the price has gone from 50 cents to 20 solos per kg. The way things change here through tourism is pretty crazy and i wonder how things here will be in 10 years. We wonder through the market and there are the typical things of the meat counters etc ,. We get to try the local bread which is actually pretty good, but once again sweet. The next place was the Plaza where a lot of Inca ruins had been found, but due to lack of funding the majority of them stay where they are. Its incredible to think just below the roads where we walk is so much history yet to be unfolded, but lying there untouched. There is a street here which there are loads of shops offering massages Olivia had one just before she went on her trek and she said she felt like she had whiplash. We stop outside a shop that has three options in. Its really busy and our guide goes in and buys what looks like a pudding but is layers of mashed potato with lemon juice and cream, chicken mayonnaise spring onions and advocado. On the top is a slice of egg and an olive. It is truly delicious once you get your head round its not a pudding. We walk down a seperate street and its called the road of Inka and within the wall is a Puma and a snake. There is a girl with 3 stalls down here and she gives everyone a llama keyring and a discount card for 10 % off. The last stop of the tour is back to the hostal to make a Pisco sour The tour guide initially makes one and then he chooses 5 volunteers to make them, me being one of them. I take it all in my stride and its betweenme and a girl from chile. They are naturals as its often argued over where the original Pisco sour originated from. She ins after a taster session fr the chef in the kitchen, Isnt he supposed to have a taste for food rather than Dirnk??? i lose the competition obviously and when i go to shake her hand she is not a good winner. We hea back downstairs where i am ready just to lay my head down, I wake at 1030 pm and decide just to sleep some more as i am warm and comfortable.Read more