  • Día 194

    Praia de golfinhos

    9 de junio de 2016, Brasil ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    We wake in the morning and have a lovely breakfast and decide to book for one more night. There is something about places in Brazil that really draw you in but there are still a few more i really want to see x We meet three Israelis in the hostel and enjoy exchanging places weve been to and where we should go. They say they are heading to the beach and asked if we want to join them but when they arent ready in an hour we head out on our own and once again walk along praia de golfinhos to the far end but its not possible to walk across to madeiro as the tide is already in to far so we hire a seat and Mark stands back and watches as they toss the ball across the sand, desperate for them to ask him to join in. He even trys talking to the guys who are stood on the side line and eventually is asked to join the game. He stands on the touchline barking his orders and lets the young guys do the running , you would think he was the coach not a player, i have a little chuckle to myself and lie back on my sunlounger enjoying the view dipping in and out of the sea. We go back to the hostel with a few beers with Mark nursing his sand grazed
    Knees after going in for an immense tackle on one of the Argentinian guys who werent happy. Mark for some reason gets drunk really quickly but is adamant that he wants something to eat and on arriving back at the hostel Rosie exlplains she is imable to cook tonight, but will cook tomorrow so we will have to go out. Thank god for the food bar at the top of the hill cause Mark can barely walk due to the caipirinhas hes had throughout the day. They have a horrible way of coming in and knocking you off your feet. Burger and manioc chips bought is a stumble back to the hostel where i go to bed and Mark lies listening to his tunes with his earphones on.
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