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  • Day 2,466

    Robbing bastards

    August 29, 2022 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    I wake up late this morning and feel like shit. I'm in a lot of pain but the swelling has gone right down as well as the bruising. It's crazy how quick the day goes when you are doing absolutely nothing. Later in the morning Barra asks if id like anything from the village so I ask him if he can get enough lupin for everybody and 2 packs of cigarettes for me. He can only manage to get 4 lots but they're put in the fridge for later. I'm invited down to the balcony and I'm watching the Tomas leaf monkey getting closer then I realise the next thing Johnny the monkey has hold of a plastic bag containing my medicine luckily Barra sees him and grabs it back for me. The boys are playing sevens and suddenly Dion jumps up from his seat. I'd seen something flying but didn't know what it was and when I look it's the hariest caterpillar I've ever seen. And it's two tone seriously it doesn't look real. The monkeys keep coming back until boomer the dog sees them off. The evening is once Again pretty chilled that's what I kind of love about this place.There is always a little corner where you can hide but more often than not I sit with the boys at one of the huge tables and practice my Indonesian. I am smoking a lot here but I'm not drinking which is a good thing and just what my body needs to recuperate properly especially the state I get in sometimes.Read more