  • Gün 63

    Needed day of relaxation

    23 Mayıs 2022, Portekiz ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    Miles: 2.78 Steps: 6739
    Flights stairs: 4

    Spent the day chilling at our hotel - hanging out at the pool, and just relaxing before we hit the road again tomorrow. It was nice to just do nothing for a day.

    The desserts have been phenomenal on this trip - most I’ve never seen before. Haven’t mentioned them much, but dang, they’re good. And it’s a good thing I’m walking miles and miles so I can burn them off ! Today I had “Banoffee” - a pie made from bananas, cream and thick caramel sauce. Really yummy. The other dessert I haven’t been able to get enough of is “Pastel de Nata” - a small egg custard tart. Sooo good. In the 18th century they used egg whites to starch the nuns habits - it left them with an abundance of egg yolks, so they created these custard desserts. They’re sold everywhere for $1.20 and people buy them 6-12 at a time. Really good.
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