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  • Day 29

    Now in the land of Galicia! (Ribadeo)

    September 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    I began this morning as a solo walk to Tapia because my Australian friends were not feeling up to par. It was an easy walk, a cool and sunny morning. After a rest stop and lunch by the harbor, I headed up to continue my walk to Ribadeo. There, I spotted my friends who had bussed to Tapia ( and Judy feeling much better), it's the Camino way if we haven't completed the journey together, the journey will continue. More often than not, when we break away from walkers, you won't meet again unless there's unfinnished business with one another. Friendship, spiritual, and many kinds of lessons are to be learned.
    This will be the last close encounter to the sea from here, as we head inwards to Santiago. Such a gorgeous sea side! Farewell Atlantic beauty✨️💗
    An avenue of trees is soothing to walk through. I'm seeing the change as we enter the Galicia country.
    The 7th picture of the stone trench, under a wood roof, is what's left of once was the central washing area in the center of town. Women would bring their washing there and socialize as they cleaned their family's dirty laundry. I could imagine the chatter, laughter, scrubbing, and water flowing. It must have been quite a pleasant time in their day, doing laundry.💖
    I'm ready to complete this walk, yet I'm beginning to feel a bit meloncholy in saying goodbye.
    Every day is so interesting!
    (And of course, another Camino cat photo)
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