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  • Tag 12

    Bohol Day 2

    16. November 2023 auf den Philippinen ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    En regnerische Tag gsi

    Sind chli in der Unterkunft bliebe und hen di wiiteri Reis plant. Am obed simmer go essa und e rundi am Strand entlang gloffe. Das ischs denn au scho gsi

    It was a rainy day

    Stayed in a bit at the accommodation and planned the further journey. In the evening we went to eat and took a walk along the beach. That‘s already it

  • Tag 11

    Bohol Day 1

    15. November 2023 auf den Philippinen ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Reisetag fu Moalboal noch Bohol.

    Während de Reis hani en Podcast fum Joe Rogan (de grösst Podcaster uf de Welt) mit em Elon Musk glosst. Det hen die zwei e Pizza bstellt mit Ananas und Sardine. I gse scho wie du dini Nase rümpfsch 🤌
    Aber do me jo viel zwenig im leba neues usprobiert, hani mi dazue entschiede dem ganze e Chance zge. & i mue sega: es isch echt e cooli Kombination zwüsched Süess und Salzig und wird sicher wieder emol bstellt werde. @Angelina: tuet mer leid wenni di do verletz als Italienerin 😄

    D‘unterkunft isch sehr schön aber mir hen in de kommende Täg e chli räge und daher mümer chli luege was mer do so mache werden ⛈️

    Travel day from Moalboal to Bohol.

    During the trip, I listened to a podcast by Joe Rogan (the world's biggest podcaster) with Elon Musk. There, the two ordered a pizza with pineapple and sardines. I can already see you crinkling your nose 🤌. But since we try too little new things in life, I decided to give it a chance. And I must say: it's really a cool combination of sweet and salty and will definitely be ordered again. @Angelina: sorry if this offends you as an Italian 😄.

    The accommodation is very nice, but we have a bit of rain in the coming days, so we'll have to see what we can do ⛈️

  • Tag 10

    Moalboal Day 3

    14. November 2023 auf den Philippinen ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    De Tag sin mir gmüetlich ahgange

    Nochme gsunde zmorge simmer an en Strand gfahre und hen det es bitz badet. I de Phillipine isches anschienend üblich, das Touriste (Ihheimischi natürlich nid) - an oder selbstbauti Moutstelle - e Gebühr zahle münd. Da es sich aber um lediglich 40 Rappe (25 Pessos pro Person) isch mers gar nid Wert zum blöd tue. Denk eher nid das de saich offiziell isch 😅

    Da ich noch 1-2 Stund uf de fuule Hut ligge amel nervös werd, simmer zruck zum Schnorchle. Das hettemer rückblickend lieber sie loh da mer üs beidi en liechte Sunnebrand zuezoge hend ☀️

    Nochm Znacht hemer üsi Köffere packt damit mer am nöchste Morge parat sind zum uf Bohol zgo

    The day started off relaxed for us.
    After a healthy breakfast, we drove to the beach and did a bit of swimming. In the Philippines, it seems to be common that tourists (but not locals) have to pay a fee at self-made checkpoints. But since it was only about 0.5$ (25 Pesos per person), it wasn't worth making a fuss about.

    Since I get restless after lying on the lazy skin for 1-2 hours, we went back to snorkeling. In hindsight, we should have skipped it as we both ended up with a slight sunburn ☀️

    After dinner, we packed our suitcases so that we would be ready to go to Bohol the next morning.

  • Tag 9

    Moalboal Day 2

    13. November 2023 auf den Philippinen ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Nochme kurze Früehstück sin mer uf üsen gmietete Roller und e Stund mehrheitlich de Küste entlang zu es paar Wasserfäll gfahre. Leider isch nur eine fu 6 offe gsi :( naja trotzdem cool gsi und mir hen sogar no en Sprung fuma Felse chöne mache. Ha natürlich no es paar Saltos mit Schrube gmacht aber die hen mer nid gfilmt 🥸😉

    Ufm Haiweg simmer no go Schnorchle und hen e riese Schildkrot 🐢 entdeckt. Sie isch sehr gwunderig gsi und isch sehr noch zu üs cho. Mir hend sie denn 15 Minute verfolgt und denn sinn mer zruck an Strand.

    De Obed hemer ruhig usklinge loh bire Rundi Billiard. Der gwünner chönd ihr eu denke 💪

    Und das ischs denn au scho gsi. Het mer guet gfalle!

    After a quick breakfast, we hopped on our rented scooters and drove for an hour mostly along the coast to a few waterfalls. Unfortunately, only one of the six was open :( Still, it was cool and we even managed to jump off a cliff. Of course, I did a few somersaults with twists, but those weren't filmed 🥸😉

    On the way back, we went snorkeling and discovered a huge turtle 🐢. It was very curious and came very close to us. We followed it for about 15 minutes and then went back to the beach.

    In the evening, we wound down with a round of billiards. You can guess who won 💪

    And that was it. I really enjoyed it!

  • Tag 8

    Moalboal Day 1

    12. November 2023 auf den Philippinen ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Hüt simer mitm Bus fu Cebu uf Moalboal gfahre. 3 Stund fu Dorf zu Dorf.

    Well mer no nüt g‘esse hen und es noch de 12i gsi isch sin mer in Mc Donald‘s. Sehr interessant isch gsi dases Riis und Spaghetti im ahgebot ka het 🤌

    Ahschlüssend het üsen Air Bnb Gastgeber de Charlie üs abghollt und e Tour durd Region geh. Sehr en fründliche Dude.

    Moalboal isch sehr bekannt zum Schnorchle was mer morn au sicher tue werden. De Strand selber isch sehr steinig.

    Morn mietemer en Roller 🛵 und fahren e chli umenand go erkunde.


    Today we traveled by bus from Cebu to Moalboal. It was a 3-hour journey from village to village.

    Since we hadn't eaten anything and it was past noon, we went to McDonald's. It was interesting to see that they offered rice and spaghetti on the menu 🤌

    Afterwards, our Airbnb host Charlie picked us up and gave us a tour of the region. He's a very friendly guy.

    Moalboal is well-known for snorkeling, which we will definitely try tomorrow. The beach itself is quite rocky.

    Tomorrow, we plan to rent a scooter 🛵 and explore the area a bit.

  • Tag 7

    Cebu City Day 1

    11. November 2023 auf den Philippinen ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Im Flugzüg hani gmerkt, dasi mit 1.80m eher zu de grössere ghör well de d‘baifreiheit isch extrem mager gsi. Drum bini froh gsi wo mer glandet sind. S‘gepäck und de Zoll isch u schnell gange und denn hen mir es Grab bstellt (sglich wir Uber afach in Asiatisch) und de het üs denn zur Wohnig brocht.

    De Check-In isch lustig gsi 🤣
    De Receptionist het lieber uf zwei Stüehl gschlofe anstatt üs z‘bediene. Janu - mir hen üs selber gholfe und sin denn ufs Zimmer ufe.

    Erst Ufgob fum Tag isch gsi en Bankomat zfinde well do fast alles musch mit Bargeld zahle - Sogar de 7-eleven het nur Cash akzeptiert - was ich sehr unüblich finde.
    Leider hend die erste 5 Automate kei Geld usgspuckt. Wer mich kennt weiss, dassi nid gern inre extreme Hitz und ohni Kafi am morge umalauf 😆 drum isch D‘Nadine froh gsi womer Geld und i en Kafi ka han.
    Sie het denn d‘wösch zum wäsche abgeh und i bi zum Coiffeur gange. Ahschlüssend hen mir üs e Pedicure und Manicure gegönnt. Mini erst i minem bisherige lebe 🥸

    Etz simmer happy und gnüssen no de rest fum erste Tag in de Philippine.


    In the airplane, I realized that with my height of 1.80 meters, I'm on the taller side because the legroom was extremely cramped. So, I was happy when we landed. The baggage claim and customs went quickly, and then we ordered a Grab (like Uber but in Asia), which took us to our apartment.

    The check-in was funny 😆. The receptionist preferred sleeping on two chairs rather than serving us. Well, we managed on our own and went up to our room.

    The first task of the day was to find an ATM because you need to pay with cash for almost everything here. Unfortunately, the first five ATMs didn't dispense any money. Those who know me understand that I don't like wandering around in extreme heat and without coffee in the morning 😆, so Nadine was relieved when we finally got some cash and I could have a coffee. She then dropped off the laundry, and I went to the barber. Afterwards, we treated ourselves to a pedicure and manicure, my first ever 🥸.

    Now we're happy and enjoying the rest of our first day in the Philippines.

  • Tag 6

    Singapur Day 6

    10. November 2023 in Singapur ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Letzter Tag in Singapur

    Am morge churz en Sprung in Pool gmacht und ahschlüssend go zmorge essa. Da mini Schlappe mer ihgschnitte hen, sin mir Crocks go kaufe. Die sind do das Ding und richtig Mode. Bi jo mol gspannt wie die zruck i de schwiz ahchömed 😆 hoff uf es paar lustigi sprüch 🥸

    Ahschlüssend mit de U-Bahn richtig Sentosa Island. Ihdrücklich wie gross de Park isch und was me alles mache chönnt. Mir hens aber gmüetlich ahgoh loh und sind afach es bitz ume gloffe.

    Obwohl mer erst am 9i am Obed de Flug ka hend, sin mir scho knapp 4 Stund vorher am Flughafe gsi. Nid well mer Schisshase sind sondern well de Flughafe in Singapur extrem viel zbütte het.

    Etz stiegemer denn gad is Flugzüg noch Cebu (Phillipine)

    Bis morn 😎


    Last day in Singapore

    In the morning, we took a quick dip in the pool and then went out for breakfast. Since my flip-flops gave in, we went to buy Crocs. They're quite the thing here and quite fashionable. I'm curious to see how they'll be judged back in Switzerland 😆 hoping for some funny jokes 🥸

    After that, we took the subway to Sentosa Island. It's impressive how big the park is and all the activities you can do. But we decided to take it easy and just stroll around a bit.

    Even though our flight is at 9:00 in the evening, we arrived at the airport almost 4 hours early. Not because we're scaredy-cats, but because the airport in Singapore has so much to offer.

    Now, we're about to board the plane to Cebu (Philippines).

    C U 😎

  • Tag 5

    Singapur Day 5

    9. November 2023 in Singapur ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Hüt hemers entspannt ahgoh loh. Nochdem mer usgschlofe hend sin mer go zmörgele. Bi mir hets en exotische zmorge geh - Trüffel Mac & Cheese (trüffel chäshörnli) - isch aber sehr fein gsi 😆

    Ahschlüssend sin mir ufgrund fum Rege in eis fu unzählige Shoppingzentre. Ziel: mir bequemi Standschueh zkaufe do mir d‘Flip Flops extrem gripscht hen und i daher die num cha ahlegge für lengeri Ziit. Am Schluss hani denn welchi gfunde 😎

    Am Obed sin mir go esse und hen en spaziergang hai gmacht. Mornobed gohts denn witer id Phillipine. Das tuet üsere Geldtesche guet da Singapur was Koste ahgoht öpe mit de Schwiz verglichbar isch 💸

    Aber es gfallt üs sehr guet do da es suuber, organisiert, fründlichi Lüt, in relation sehr lieslig isch und warmi Temparature het ☀️


    Today, we we took it very relaxed and easy. After we had slept in, we went for breakfast. I had an exotic breakfast - Truffle Mac & Cheese - but it was very delicious 😆

    Afterwards, due to the rain, we went to several shopping centers. The goal was to buy comfortable sneakers because my flip flops were extremely slippery, and I couldn't wear them for a long time. In the end, I found some 😎

    In the evening, we went out to eat and took a stroll. Tomorrow evening, we're continuing our journey to the Philippines. That's good for our wallets because Singapore is quite expensive. It is like on a level to Switzerland 💸

    But we really like it here because it's clean, organized, the people are friendly, it's relatively quiet, and the weather is warm ☀️

  • Tag 4

    Singapur Day 4

    8. November 2023 in Singapur ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Jet leg leggt sich es bitz und i han scho dütlich früener chöne schlofe 😴

    Noch em zmorge hen mir denn no es paar Sache am Laptop erledigt und ahschlüssend groob üsi Reis i de Phillipine plant.

    Nochher sin mer in Botonische Garte. Cooli Sach gsi mit all dena Pflantze. Aber es isch uu schwüel gsi und drum hen mir üs scho ufd Duschi im Hotel gfreut 😄

    Znacht sin mir zum Inder go esse noch little India - i glaub de Inder lösst so langsam de Chines ab was lieblingsesse ahgoht . Ufm Haiweg simer no eis go zieh und denn ischs da au scho gsi fum 4. Tag 😎

    Here's the translation of the text into English:

    Jet lag is getting better, and I was able to sleep much earlier 😴.

    After breakfast, we did a few things on the laptop and then planned our trip to the Philippines.

    Later, we went to the Botanical Garden. It was a cool experience with all the plants. But it was very humid, so we were looking forward to the shower back at the hotel 😄.

    For dinner, we went to eat at an Indian restaurant in Little India - I think Indian food is slowly becoming our new favorite, overtaking Chinese. On the way back, we had one more drink, and that was the end of our fourth day 😎

  • Tag 3

    Singapur Day 3

    7. November 2023 in Singapur ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Day 3

    Jet leg het voll ihgschlage und e chlini vercheltig zuezoge. Nimm ah vum Flugzüg well do in Singapur ischs schön warm ☀️

    Hüt chli an der Arab Street und in little India 👳🏾‍♂️ unterwegs gsi – spannend gsi. Am Obed denn zu Gardens by the Bay gange um die „Super Trees“ ahuege. D‘liechtshow isch cool gsi 👍

    Jet lag has fully kicked in and caught a little cold. I guess it's from the airplane, because here in Singapore it's really warm ☀️

    Today, I wandered around Arab Street and in Little India 👳🏾‍♂️ – it was interesting. In the evening, went to Gardens by the Bay to see the "Super Trees". The light show was cool 👍

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