  • 日32

    Walking Victoria, and Garden Inspiration

    2017年9月2日, カナダ ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    We had a leisurely start, and having our own kitchen for the first time in weeks, decided we would feast on fresh eggs and Canadian bacon (do they just call it bacon here?😜). Lovely. I had succumbed to an $8 jar of Vegemite, as I was craving and a bit homesick!

    Nourished, we started a walk along the waterfront. It was a beautiful day, and it didn't take long for us to warm up. We walked toward Beacon Hill Park, becoming friendly with squirrels and a myriad of geese. We found the mile Zero marker, where the TransCanada Highway starts. There is a monument here to Terry Fox, who in the 80s at the age of 18, lost a leg to cancer and decided run across Canada from Newfoundland to raise money forfoes earth. He ran 26 miles a day, but unfortunately, 5 months in, he had to retire as his cancer returned, and he died. Another young man some years later, who had also lost his leg to cancer completed Terry's run, and finished at the Mile Zero site.

    There were markets on, and we browsed. We found the South Park School, where Terrence & Phillip must havegone to school 🤡.

    Later in the afternoon, we headed south from Victoria to Saarnich and Butchart Gardens. This was a very inspiring garden, very beautiful. The plants were not exotic, but fairly common plants - beautiful pelargoniums, begonias, lantana, celosia, daisy, and roses from around the world. The Japanese Garden was beautiful. There were lovely fountains, towers. Lovely.

    Afterwards, we drove though beautiful suburbs, before heading. Back to our apartment a bit foot sore. We are just about to head out for dinner.

    Tomorrow, we head to the US ferry terminal to catch a ferry towards Seattle, Washington.