• Day 52

    Figueira da Foz

    September 1, 2021 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    We wake early in Porto to the sound of Thunder. We didn’t see this on any of the 5 forecasts we checked when passage planning last night. We decide to delay our departure for an hour or so. We go out to the cockpit and watch a spectacular Thunder and lighten show. At times the sky looks like it will crack open like an egg with jagged bolts of lighting shooting across it.

    On the 10 hour trip to Figueira da Foz have a welcome visit from common Dolphins along with two babies who bow ride and entertain us for a while.
    I have an unwelcome visit from Risso Dolphins. Unfortunately the curious Risso’s look much too like Orca Whales from the distance. In light of the continuing Orca attacks on yachts on the coast of Spain and Portugal I am hyper alert. I am on watch while everyone else is below decks. On my Port bow I see 4 fins making their way slowly in the direction of the boat their blows bigger than a dolphin’s but smaller than any Whale I have seen. Their fins are tall and they are on a definite course towards the boat. I can only think of Orca’s and my heart is racing. I zoom down to get Ronan imagining the first bang is imminent. We get back up and see the flashes of the grey scared skin of the Risso’s as the come by for a look at us. I am rattled. Their curiosity and friendliness doesn’t get so much as a ‘hello’ from me. I feel bad for the Risso’s, they must be getting a poor reception in these parts recently.

    In Figueira da Foz, Ronan finds a pub in town to catch the Ireland v.s Portugal match. He gets up in time to enjoy 20 minutes of Ireland 1- 0 ahead before Ranaldo equalised at full time and put Portugal ahead during extra time. We have more fun back on board Regal as Ruby and Colm have their first taste of Monty Python watching an old favourite of mine ‘The Holy Grail’

    In the morning Ruby and Ronan get some fresh food from the Market and get another helping of old lady wrath. Ruby needs an extra bag for the Tuna they have bought , she sees some bags at a little fruit stall and takes one. The little old stall holder is not impressed and shouts at Ruby until the bag is returned - fair is fair.
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