mengembara di 8 negara. Baca lagi Nelson Bay, Australia
  • Hari 18


    27 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Vern and I had a date day!!! Thanks to Philipp and Katrin who took the kids for the day so Vern and I could go to Rüdesheim.

    The kids went to a trampolining centre and then shopping at a toy and sports store. Lochie bought these awesome Nike soccor boots with the spending money he was given for Christmas. I just hope they fit by the time soccor season comes around!

    Vern and I left early and caught the light rail and two trains to be in Rüdesheim by lunch. it was so so cold. The whole valley was in fog and the trees on the top half of the hills were all frosted over. It’s the only time in Germany so far, that I have been really cold. We walked through the beautiful old part of the town but quite a bit was closed now that Christmas is over. We found a great Italian restaurant for lunch and had a sensational feed. A special day for the two of us.

    Tomorrow is all about packing for the snow!
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  • Hari 17

    Boxing Day or 2nd Christmas

    26 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    In Germany today is known as the second Christmas and unlike in Australia, all shops are still shut. Even the bakeries.

    A long sleep in and a slow start was the order of the day with brekky that happened at lunchtime.

    Philipp and Vern went for a long walk on the Rhine whilst Katrin and I took the three youngest boys to the climbing centre to burn off some energy. We also checked our helmets and goggles ready for our snow trip on Saturday. This made for some fun bobsled impersonating.

    Karla joined us at home for afternoon tea and then dinner where we sampled cheeses from all over Europe. It was quite the tour!

    Another wonderful day spending time with wonderful family.
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  • Hari 16

    Cristmas Day

    25 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    What a magical day we have had with our German relatives for Christmas. After an extremely late night last night (like 0130 this morning) we did all sleep in till about 9am but I still felt exhausted. With a slow start we watched Philipp prepare two geese for Christmas dinner at Sonja’s. One in his oven, and one in the neighbour’s oven. 4.5 hours on low heat. It was soooo worth the wait.

    Karla joined the three families for dinner in a beautifully decorated dining table as we had goose, red cabbage and potato dumplings. This was boiled potatoes that were then mashed and then mixed with something soft and rolled into balls. My kids called them potato balls but that doesn’t really do them justice. I can’t really explain goose but the meat was so soft and tender and was more like duck than turkey. Kyles I think you would love it.
    It was stuffed with plums and then covered with a beautiful gravy as it was served. The meal was enjoyed with great wine and conversation in both German and English depending on who was talking, but everybody was so understanding of my lack of German.

    For dessert Sonja made a mascarpone and Katrin made chocolate mousse. Both were sensational!

    It was so special to see our kids play with Sonja’s kids even though they didn’t know one another. Hide and seek outside in 2 degrees in the dark was loved by all. My boys didn’t want to leave.

    Tonight we are in bed at 10.30pm which is early by European standards but we are all exhausted. Tomorrow is boxing day but the Germans call it the second Christmas. I am hoping it will start with a sleep in.

    Merry Christmas everybody! Xxx
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  • Hari 15

    Christmas Eve cont..

    24 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C
  • Hari 15

    Christmas Eve - Frohe Weinachten

    24 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    Tonight is Christmas Eve, the holy night in Germany. We started out the day with an early (well early for our European timetable) trip to the bakery at 8am. So many wonderful treats there but my favourite is still the Laugenstangen, which is the same dough as a pretzel but in the shape of a hot dog roll. Then cover it in philly cream cheese. Just divine! Perhaps this is why my jeans are getting too tight!

    We then slowly decorated the most beautiful Christmas tree with the Karallus family and got ready for church. We walked to the Protestant/Lutheran church and the tree and choir were just beautiful. The children performed a beautiful play and musical numbers. The service went for about a hour and then Philipp arranged for us to climb up the bell tower. Wow what a magical view. The whole experience was amazing. The village was so busy and flat out until 12 noon and then everything went quiet and Christmas began.

    On return from church Philipp told the children to go straight upstairs and that the family bell would be rung when it was time for them to come downstairs. Philipp lit all the candles on the tree whilst Katrin lit all other candles around the home. The room had such a magical atmosphere complete with classical music. The bell rung, the children ran downstairs and whilst they opened gifts, us adults drank champagne whilst indulging in chocolates and cake. I could really get used to this.

    Philipp and Katrin prepared fondue for dinner. I always thought of fondue as cheese or chocolate, but I have learnt that it is actually a form of cooking. So with the oil boiling in the pot we dipped in cubes of Angus beef to cook. The meat was so soft and tender and with the beautiful sauces, was amazing. Kids thought it was great fun and lochie just loved it cause it was an all meat meal!

    With more gift unwrapping, wine, beer and music, the evening went by so quickly.

    Thank you so much to the Karallus family for sharing their German Christmas traditions with us aussies and for making it so very special.

    It is 1.30am and we are now off to bed. Frohe Weinachten. Xxxx
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  • Hari 14

    Nikolaus' 18th Birthday

    23 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Today was Nikolaus’ 18th Birthday. As he had a party at home last night,he slept till late giving us time to prepare a few special items. Katrin prepared the birthday table and I made mars bar slice for Nikolaus.

    Roly took a long walk with Sonja and frank in the fields and the boys played.

    Karla and Gisela (Katrin’s Mum) arrived at 4pm for coffee, cake and gifts for Nikolaus. The cake Karla made was totally amazing. Nikolaus loves his gifts, then we had our usual late dinner at about 8.30pm, of pulled pork rolls. Philipp had slow cooked the pork neck under the bbq hood for 8 hours. It was amazing and came with a specially made sauce. It was so good, lochie had two pulled pork rolls for dinner!

    Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, the holy night here in Germany and we are looking forward to celebrating Christmas the German way this year. Bring it on.
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  • Hari 13


    22 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    After the Christmas tree was safely delivered home, we met up with Sonja and Maybrit and headed to phantasialand. This is the German version of Disneyland and I have to say I was really impressed. I was expecting something a step down from Disneyland but I was pleasantly surprised. I know many people say you can’t beat Disney, but for rides and atmosphere, this was right up there.

    Kids road one of the roller coasters over and over again with their German relatives and said it was the best! More food was consumed and after the fireworks we headed home.

    It was another amazing day of wonderful experiences. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
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  • Hari 13

    Cristmas Tree

    22 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Today was Christmas tree day!!
    We had such a great time choosing a Christmas tree and Philipp let Vern have the honour of cutting it down. I think Philipp just didn’t want to get his jeans dirty. Kids got a ride on a beautiful old tractor back to the shed where the tree was put through a machine shaped like a jet engine to be covered I netting for transportation. On the roof racks it went for the trip home. I have included a photo of louise which was taken for The Mercedes in the background. You will see they didn’t have roof racks so they just put the tree on a blanket on the roof! Inside the Barn was beautiful and had such a great atmosphere for having hot chocolate and bratwurst. I could have sat there for hours listening to carols.Baca lagi

  • Hari 13

    Raclette for Dinner!

    22 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Last night we had the most fun and fabulous night eating Raclette together. The photos show what I am talking about but you put boiled potato on the small grill plates and top it with your favourite meat. Perhaps ham, prosciutto, venison or beef and then a special cheese, that I cannot remember the name of. Then you put it under the special grill that sits in the middle of the table. Each person does their own and you sit around and chat, or in Philipp’s case, sing! It is a really social meal and we all loved it. It is traditional Swiss, so I am told we will have it again next week in Switzerland.

    We all totally loved it and of course drank plenty of wine and then enjoyed some great music.

    Oh and another similarity between Vern and Philipp that I discovered is that Philipp plays the saxophone as well! Also philipp and Katrin were married the same year as Vern and I. Just a bit freaky!
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