• Day 13

    Chapel of Bones

    November 1, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    This chapel is lined on the interior with thousands of human bones. They had to move a whole bunch of monastery cemeteries many years ago to build estates on the land and so the monks disinterred the bones and used them to decorate the chapel.

    Russell and I showed a lack of decorum and started making puns.

    "This place has a lot of elbow room."
    "You're just ribbing me!"
    "Sorry, it was my knee jerk reaction."
    "Now you are pulling my leg"
    "It took a lot of elbow grease to build this place."
    "And quite a few skulled workers."
    "Are you lying or is that just a fib-ula?"

    The sign over the entry door loosely translated to "These bones wait here for yours."
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