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  • Day 11

    Home again!

    May 11 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Whew...what a long day. 😩 Got started packing pretty early at about 8am and ended up getting on the road at 9:20 (and thankfully got out of the campsite easier than we got in, LOL). The GPS said it was supposed to be a little over 7 hours. Surprisingly, the first 6 hours of driving went by super easily...but that didn't mean we only had an hour left. Between a handful of breaks to pee or eat, the looong delays towing the camper through the Alps, and still having to go on a small shopping trip for the rest of the weekend, we made it home after about 11 hours...ugh. Proud of Wolfie for pulling through with the drive. Despite it being so long, we had fun together! Now I'm thankful to be back at home with my babies. 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ All in all, an amazing vacation. We'd love to do it again in a couple years!Read more