  • Tag 67

    Washington DC

    16. Juli 2016 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    * Planetarium ✨
    * Monuments, Monuments, Monuments ⛲
    * Prayers for me....😆

    Have you ever been to a Planetarium? If not, you should go there. It is so cool! We watched "The dark universe" in the Air&Space museum and it was beautiful🌟 I was asking myself why I didn't pay more attention to sciences in school....well, but then I remembered 😂

    What else happened at the Air&Space....When I was 6 years old I wanted to become an astronaut. My dream was to be the first woman on Mars (....I knew there had been people on the moon before and obviously I was aiming for pioneer work^^)..."somehow" it didn't worked out, so I remained on earth....BUT at least, a bunch of years later, I could touch a piece of a moon rock here in DC 👍🌖
    Okay, okay....yes it was from the Moon, not from Mars....and yes, it was displayed in a museum and there was no need to go to space....but hey - reality gets us all 😂

    Beside that we watched a dancing event of native Americans as well as a stunning exhibition of nature's photography. The cool thing is that all museums (at least in DC) are for free and very detailed and interesting. Another goodie is, that they have AirCon, which is pretty nice at 35 degrees outside.
    If you are looking for some goosebump, check this out:

    Ofcourse Washington has much more to offer - from Washington Monnument to the Lincoln one is a nice park with much to see. I didn't expect the city to be so green.

    The prayer story:
    On my first day a storm was coming up. As I was still missing my first summer storm this year, I settled down in the park to watch and enjoy. Suddenly two girls came along and started a nice conversation with me. After a few minutes they talked about Jesus and asked if they could pray for me. You can imagine how iritated I was - this never happend to me before 😂