  • Día 6

    Day 5 - At Sea

    3 de noviembre de 2018, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Yet another bad night. Earplugs working well but still restless. Sore throat probably caused by air con.
    Weather overcast but warm at around 20c.
    Trying the upside down pyramid eating method so large cooked breakfast. Into lounge, collected emails and sorted. Sent email to kids.
    Going to a talk on River Cruising at 11.00am.
    Fred Olsen have leased a river boat for 2 years and are offering various river trips mainly around Germany. Looked good but checked prices and they are expensive in comparison to Ocean Cruising.
    Both went to gym after talk. I did 25 mins running and 15 mins on bike. J did bike and Pilates. Decided not to have lunch and sat on balcony eating fruit and reading.
    J went to talk on pearls and I read and did a bit more sunbathing!
    Then down to Neptune for another talk about Bletchley Park. This time focusing on Alan Turing. As usual it was excellent. Walked around deck a few times and then back to room to prepare for a formal night.
    We both got dressed into our finery and had dinner before getting posed photos taken. All my evening wear is too big, so looks really baggy! I'll have to buy some more togs if I can keep the weight off.
    For a change we went Lido Room to see the pop band.
    Very good and then to bed as have be up ready for our excursion tomorrow at 9.15am.
    Nighty night 🌃
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