  • Día 15

    Start of the trials

    3 de junio de 2015, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Well the trials have began! Very exciting, I don't have a translator for half of then, so it's also very interesting!! Haha. But you make do. Done three so far and they have gone pretty well I would so. No catastrophes. In shorter news I learned my aptitude to make a complete mess knows no limits, where my clean desk turned into a war zone after the one full day of doing trials. I don't even understand how it was able to get so messy. Also a joke was played on the poor Canadian who can't speak Spanish, the snake skin... I thought that was our lunch. It smells like death. Last week I also enjoyed being in a car for 22 hours over two days driving to see patients. Luis was a absolute champ.... Me on the other hand... I was just trying not to fall asleep. Heat, car and not being able to talk apperently is the perfect recipe for getting great sleeps. Lots more work, lots more information excitement! Oh and I have decided it to be mandatory that my Spanish friends watch one of my favorite movies.... iiinnn spanish! Night at the roxbury. Going to be great :). Also I bought then a table tennis set and we made a washers set!Leer más