  • Dag 6

    Monterrey, CA

    17. april 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Weather: sunny and 50s/60s/70s/80s

    States: California

    Cities: Santa Cruz, Monterrey, Pebble Beach, Carmel, LA

    Miles: 323 miles

    Hours: 5 hrs and 21 min


    Hotel/Home: Springhill Suites LA/Burbank



    So long Santa Cruz and hello highway 1. Well, it’s reputation certainly Ives up to itself. It is one of the most beautiful drives that we have ever done. It helps that we had a perfect day of blue skies,, 50s and 60s and the bluest waters you’ve ever seen We highly recommend the drive. You have every shad of blue on your right and every shade of green in the rolling hills and mountains to your left. There are some breathtaking hairpin curves where, at one second you have a lush barrier or guard rail and the next second it flattens out to a sheer cliff sending your mind to sure death. Gasp. Paul doesn’t like my gasps. We have passed through Monterrey, Carmel, Pebble beach and Big Sur. In Monterrey, we saw some sea lions basking on the beach. So cool. We stopped in Carmel for a sandwich.
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