The Great White North

September 2017 - Juni 2024
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  • Hari 65

    Is that an ice pick in my forehead?

    14 November 2017, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ -24 °C

    No, it is not an ice pick in my forehead. It's the damn wind again. Right between the eyes. Just stabbing it's way through bone to tweak those little skull nerves. I have to believe that if you're the one driving the snowmobile then the windshield must protect you from that. Otherwise, I would drive nowhere! I'd have to have a full face shield on.

    Today was exciting though. Many exciting things happened. First, one of my lost boxes arrived!! It had been shipped to Qikiqtarjuaq (Kih kih tar zhu ack). Obviously. The waybill number and the town Igloolik clearly look like Qikiqtarjuaq. Easy mistake. Then, somehow, it makes its way back to Igloolik but gets shipped to the Internet provider here in town. ??? Did they open it, see the dismantled drafting table and trash can and think, "Ah, yes, must be the internet company's things!" ??? Then, once at the internet company's place, I have no clue how they figured out it was mine. But, they did, and they called my cell and delivered it to my house. By "They" I mean, I have no idea who called me or delivered it to my house. That is the way here. Ask no questions. Just take your box and be happy! And I was!!

    I had to send something for work via the post office. I told the young lady and she said it would be $1.05. I said, "Are you sure because I really think this might be more than a regular letter stamp." So, she put it on the scale and then measured it. She input the info and Canada Post spit out the price. $14.95. 0_o !! She was gonna try and send that thing for a dollar. Oh boy. And, I didn't mention this, but the reason I even asked was because just yesterday I went to the post office and there was a returned envelope for me for insufficient postage. Ahem. The ladies are quite sweet and kind, but I am not sure they're super well-informed about how postage is calculated.

    I also had a pause and reflect moment today when I heard from a very old, good friend that I grew up, literally, on the same street with. I'm probably not supposed to tell this, but he received news that he was being offered multiple positions at Google to work under some of the highest executives there. Additionally, he has an interview this week with the CEO of Instagram. Now it doesn't matter what his job is. What we were discussing was how surreal it was for him to interview at Google, then receive all those job offers, and THEN be asked to go talk to Instagram. I was hearing all this from him as I was going home to lunch. I had to tell him that I wanted to hear his story, but very likely I would be picked up by a snowmobile soon and it might get loud. Sure enough, my ride vroomed by and I jumped on the back, still on the line with my friend. All he could hear was the high pitched whining of the snowmobile and the ludicrousness of each of our respective situations launched us into uncontrollable laughter. His life right now, my life right now...we couldn't catch our breath we were laughing so hard. I was, in fact, cackling. They say you don't know where life will take you and for my friend and I this afternoon, we really felt life was taking us for a ride!

    Speaking of rides, another pause and reflect moment came this afternoon on the way home from work, in the dark...because you know, the sun is setting right around 2:15pm (rising at 10am). Again, on the snowmobile. The wind just whipping. The snowmobile feels loose and slippery on the packed roads. A bit dangerous, but exhilarating. It feels faster than the ATV. I found myself gleefully grinning as my boss gunned the engine and we flew over the hills and bumps, slightly catching air on the back. Exciting in a slightly scary way. The type of exciting scary that makes you want to scream and maybe even go faster! And, that's when I smiled even bigger because that's exactly how I've always been and exactly how my dad was (he used to drag race semi-professionally for goodness sakes!). This past weekend marked the anniversary of his passing and today I couldn't help but think that he would be so stoked about all the adventures I was having. And that made me smile.
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  • Hari 72

    Fall in Igloolik

    21 November 2017, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Ah, the title conjures up images of hot apple cider, vibrantly colored trees, crisp mornings, and pumpkin spice everything. Igloolik fall? Oh, definitely the same. Nothing different about fall here. Well, except everything. lolol. In one week, the daylight will be done. Currently, we have just under 3 hrs of semi-daylight---if you can call the sun rising about two inches above the horizon daylight. lol. The mornings are definitely crisp, though we've gone through a warming spell. In fact, it got up to -15 and I thought, "I'll just take my trash out to the dumpster with no coat or hat on since it's so warm." I even put back the big parka and broke the little guy back out---though I will say, the little parka now seems rather inferior and lame. Nonetheless, it is way less bulky and keeps me warm---but its fur is no match for the big parka's fur. I wanna sleep in the big parka's fur. I have a feeling I might be draped in animal skins the next time someone sees me.

    While those down south are enjoying fall leaves and football on the weekend, I have been enjoying such activities as helping dig my boss's qamatik out of the snow. The qamatik (various spellings) is a wooden sled that was traditionally pulled by dogs. It is about 12-15 feet long and the runners are 2x10s. The runners have a piece of teflon plastic to reduce drag. The two runners are spaced about 3 feet apart. Two-by-fours or something similar make up the decking with about an inch of space between each board. You can leave the qamatik open, like a flat-bed truck, or you can lash a shelter onto it. My boss has a box that he puts on it so we had to get that out too. It was the width of the qamatik and 8ft long; a plywood box. Trying to maneuver and pull these wooden items through the drifts of snow was more than enough work out for me.

    I finished off the wild weekend with some more bingo---didn't win again---and started a jigsaw puzzle. The activities I engage in here are truly exciting.

    Today, there was no work because of a blizzard. However, it's not like when you were a kid and you could watch the TV to see if school was canceled. I have no way to know. And, because my job is so weird about email/internet, I cannot even check my email on non-work servers (exceedingly annoying actually). Thus, I can't get the bulletin that work is closed. So, what do I do? I open the door this morning, have it nearly blown back in my face, and then slam it shut, muttering, "Aw hell naw." Which means I trudged back in to find my goggles, put them on, zipped up the coat fully, pulled the neck gaiter up, and pushed back outside. I have been getting rides to work from my boss so I headed towards his place. As I wound through the buildings, the drifts were catching my feet on what was usually a well-packed path. I emerged from between the housing units and saw neither his ATV or Skidoo were running. And, that's how I knew there was no work. Nevertheless, we decided to go to work for a bit just to finalize some things. I mean, what else am I gonna do? Go to the mall. bhahahaha.

    It was quite the trip getting back home though. Turns out living in Washington made me familiar with snow. The difference now is that I am IN the weather, not just driving through it with a climate-controlled, warm car. Nope, snow-ice pelting my face as we slip and slide on the ATV back home is a real treat. The light is so flat you can't see any features. Hence, we drove right into a 2-3ft snow drift without even seeing it. Oops. Get to push the ATV out and continue on your way----away from the edges of the road.

    Thankfully, I have plenty of food to eat because I'm pretty sure I'm not going back out in this to the store and there won't be any planes coming in anyhow. Now just to relax in the cozy warmth of home and stuff my face. :)
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  • Hari 76

    the grind

    25 November 2017, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ -2 °C

    As all those that are smarter than me know, once the novelty wears off, it turns out that daily life is a grind here. All manner of things conspire to create "grind" living. You just have to be tough to survive the Arctic I think. I'm not sure I'm all that tough.

    Take for instance the machines. There are no garages. With the continual snow, the machines have to be dug out daily. Then, they have to be started well before you think you want to leave. Oh, is it really cold? Gotta change the spark plugs so the machine will run. The tires lose air in the cold so you gotta pump those up. Oh, did your door ice shut and you can't get out of your house? And this is just the beginning of winter. And, I don't have to worry about any of those things. I just show up and get a ride. And, all this is to say I'm a big wimp. What brings that into even clearer focus is a story that gripped the community this week. A man and his cousin, a 13 year old, got lost traveling from Igloolik to Hall Beach by snowmobile. They left Sunday night and weren't found till Thursday evening (though it should be noted they weren't actually ever found....they walked themselves to Hall Beach...and were seen walking). They survived for 4 days with no supplies, food, water, or shelter. !!! Then, they WALKED to Hall Beach. Igloolik is 70 km (44 miles) from Hall Beach. I have no idea how far they were when they got lost in the blizzard. All I know is that I don't think I'm that tough. I got tired shoveling my porch last night. Not sure how I'm gonna move 400lb fuel drums next field season, but cheers to blindly moving forward!! (Here's a link to the article:…)

    I did get a wonderful surprise this week. The group of ladies whom I went through a volunteer program that taught us how to tutor illiterate adults with sent me an amazing care package. It was such a blast to open it up and see all the different things packed in there! I felt like I did on Christmas as a child. (even brownies were included---and my friend Nikki knows what a sucker I am for those!!) All the things we take for so granted down south and can't get's amazing. I even dreamed last night about fast internet....the kind where you click and the page loads you don't see the little loading circle ever.....!!! That's the stuff of my fantasies now. I also dreamed the day before that I had to taste test a bunch of desserts and cupcakes. .....I might be going insane.

    Anyway, back to my point of thanks on Thanksgiving......I know folks see the news and might think that humans suck, but my personal experience is that I feel like I sucked all the good people out of the cosmos and surrounded myself with them because my life is so enriched by those around me. I don't know what I did in a previous life to deserve such caring and thoughtful folks around me. Being in this position is really humbling. I hate feeling so needy, but I am so damn thankful for everyone's calls, texts, comments, emails, and care packages! Maybe this is why I've been doing so well up here! If I didn't have such a fantastic group of humans taking care of me remotely, I would probably be crying in my non-draining bathtub right now.

    In other news, I cut the back of my hair this week. The rat tail was getting out of hand. My hair was flipping on my collar. Has anyone tried to give themselves a layered pixie cut in the back? Me neither. It's hard. Especially when the second mirror I was using to see the back of my head was from a broken compact. I don't want to make anything too easy. It was slow going and required some wrist contortions, but in the end, it's not the worst thing I've ever seen. Now, when the top and full back have to be's gonna be an undertaking. I can't see anyone's hair now that it's cold. Everyone has hats on so I can't ask who cuts their hair. I wanted to find a short haired lady and inquire. Oh well. Necessity is the mother of cutting your own hair.
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  • Hari 82


    1 Desember 2017, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ -14 °C

    And so the addiction begins…with a little taste of winning glory…..

    The plan was to corrupt, I mean introduce, another coworker to bingo last Friday. He’d never played, is up here alone, and he seems to have an open attitude so I thought it would be fun. My boss agreed to host us and so it was set. Well, the newcomer backed out and, on autopilot, I still found myself walking to the radio station to get a bingo card. It wasn’t until I was walking home that I thought, “Why did I buy this? I am tired and the only reason I was gonna play this week was to show my coworker.” Oh well, if you have a card, you gotta play!

    This week it was different. The bingo caller was a native English speaker and was calling in English. However, she was going WAY too fast and I was getting irritated. She was taking all the fun out of the dobbing experience. I couldn’t even rearrange myself in my seat much less take a drink before she was on to the next number. I decided I needed to call the radio station and tell her to slow down. That’s when we realized we didn’t have the number for the radio station; the number listed in the phone book did not dial to the station. Hmmmm…..I scour all 200 entries for Igloolik backwards and forwards. In this town, you can literally read each and every entry in the phone book! Lol. I found nothing. I was getting very agitated now because my boss was having to do both my card and his while I was fiddling with the phone book. Now, I don’t want to say anything bad about his bingo skills since he was kind enough to take over, but let’s just say, missing numbers is not unheard of on his cards. Finally, we both got the idea at the same time to randomly call another coworker and ask for the radio station’s number…cause of course we can find HIS number in the phone book but not the radio station’s. So that is what I did…called him, out of the blue, slightly frantic and explained that I needed the radio station number so I could ask the caller to slow down bingo. Isn’t that what you did last Friday night? Sure enough, he recited the number from memory off the top of his head and I made my call just as the last game was starting. The last game is the Jackpot round where you have to dob all of the numbers on the bingo sheet to win.
    The caller had slowed down. It was much more relaxing. I even had time to check over my numbers and take a sip of my drink every so often. As the game continued, I noticed that one of my cards was getting full so I double-checked to make sure I hadn’t missed any numbers. Sure enough, I had and that left me with only 2 empty spaces. The caller called the next number and it was one of mine. I was down to one. Never happens. Sure enough, the next number wasn’t mine and I knew I had lost because if I’M down to one space then someone, somewhere else, has been down to one space for probably several rounds. But, lo and behold no one called in and when the caller called the next number, my mouth actually dropped open. I stared at my now completely covered bingo card in disbelief. I looked at my boss and his mouth was kinda gaping too with a look of “is this for real?!” I echoed his thoughts and said, “Holy shit, is this for real??!!!” “Oh my god! I’ve got a bingo!! I gotta call the station! Thank god I persevered to find the number earlier!!!” I was shaking and nervous because you have to call in and the whole town can hear you saying your numbers. What if I was wrong?? I was gonna sound like such an idiot. I called all of them and it was a good bingo! I won the JACKPOT! They told me to come down to the station to pick up my winnings and I hung up. Immediately, I began jumping up and down and whooping. You see, this jackpot was no measly $20. No my friends. I was the sole winner of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! Two grand! Can you believe that??!! My god! That’s serious money. I screamed at my boss, “Go start your ATV, I gotta go get my money!”
    He was driving a bit fast and loose over to the station for my liking and I yelled to not murder me on my big win night. To which he replied, “Oh no, definitely not, I’m gonna wait until you have the money in hand.” Hahaha.
    My winnings were disbursed in all 20 dollar bills. Has anyone actually carried around 2 grand in 20’s? It’s um, how shall I say, very rapper-esque. I felt like I need to have some gold chains on my neck and a rubber band in my pocket to hold my bank. Hilarious.
    The JACKPOT I say! I still can’t believe it.
    I promptly sent my coworker that decided not to play a text message explaining how he’d missed out big time on bingo night. Now we’ll never win anything again.
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  • Hari 83

    The arctic fox holds the key

    2 Desember 2017, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ -16 °C

    It's December and I'm still here. December in the Arctic. Wow. Surreal. I am sure rap stars and pop stars feel this way when they make it. Like they have to pinch themselves to see that they're in real life. Except, I need to pinch myself to make sure I'm not losing bloodflow in my face and getting frostbite.

    I got an amazing delivery from my mom this week. (I really love that moms never stop being moms---meaning they seem to have this innate drive to take care of their offspring---which I find incredibly handy!) I was talking to my mom last week and mentioned this company called Arctic Fresh that has a whole bunch of cool food on it that I can't get at the store here and before I knew it, she'd pulled up the website and was filling her cart. Yay Christmas for me! I am almost positive that she got at least one of everything on the site. So. Much. Food. But so exciting because now I have things like guacamole and asparagus! Asparagus I say!! The company was actually started by a guy and his wife here in Igloolik so those of us that live in Igloolik actually get doorstep delivery of our food! It is so literally here the plane fly over, then they load up their pickup and start making deliveries. The only hitch is that when bad weather hits, there's nothing anyone can do. Planes don't land, Igloolik doesn't get mail, food, supplies. Simple equation really. There has been bad weather here and in the capital, but not at the same time so it really wreaked havoc because when it would be good at one place, it would be shit at the other and so on. We didn't get mail for over a week. Food takes priority over mail.

    This week also marks the beginning off 24hrs with no sun. So far it's fine because for like an hour or two during the middle of the day it still gets a very overcast day. You can see things and see to walk around. Street lights aren't even on. However, by 130 or 2 pm now it's pitch black and I asked someone if it would keep getting light during the middle of the day like it is now. They said no. It's gonna get darker. Good news is that in only 19 days we'll be at the shortest day of the year and we'll be going up from there!

    Funny little things that illustrate life up here always happen that I forget. For example, in my office, I was asking my boss if we could get rid of some items that I felt were taking up space. He told me that we couldn't really get rid of them just yet because even after they're done for the immediate time, we might need them in the future. He then told me that the cabinet should be locked anyways to protect these items from being stolen. As he leans on said cabinet and remarks, "See, it's locked" as he pulls the handle and the drawer slides open. He looks startled and I started laughing and he asks me why I didn't have it locked. I continue laughing while I explain how I arrived in Igloolik and I had no office orientation or bosses in the office for 2 months. How would I know what was supposed to be locked and furthermore, WHERE oh WHERE would the key be kept. He then looks at me and says, "Sheesh, you don't know where the keys are kept either??!" With a small smirk, he walks away from the cabinet and past my desk to the wall where there is a dead fox hanging. He pushes the body aside and there, under the fur is a ring of keys. Obviously. By this time, I'm dying laughing and he's laughing too because this whole situation and place is just so funny sometimes. Shockingly, I didn't discover the keys before now because I don't go around playing with dead animals hanging about. I can say with some assurance that most people, 1. do not have a dead fox hanging in their office, and 2. do not hide keys underneath its body. lolololol. Welcome to my life.

    I discovered another piece of Arctic life when I thought my house was on fire. I was inside, smelled the unmistakable smell of crap burning that should not be burning. I run to the dryer and sniff, then the other rooms. I determined it wasn't coming from inside my unit so I go outside to make sure it's not any unit physically attached to mine. If my stuff burned down, I'd probably leave. I don't know how I'd recover. Anyway, I'm start walking down the road to see where the smoke is coming from. I meet up with another woman who, like me, had wandered outside to determine what was burning. As we walked, we came upon kids that had built a snow house/cave in a big pile of snow that the graders had piled up. It was so freaking cool. They had a light inside and a sheet of plywood as a door. They also had a snow slide on the outside from the top to the bottom. It was all I could do to not ask to go inside and chill.

    Finally, this week I did a 2 day employee orientation and cultural orientation. My favorite things were receiving solid stats about tobacco use in Nunavut, listening to the elder's stories, and visiting with the instructor. First, the crazy smoking stats. In Nunavut, 74% of people smoke. I don't know if yall remember my entry about this place keeping tobacco makers in business?? Well, I feel completely supported in that statement!!! Compare that rate with the overall Canadian rate of 13% (U.S. rate is 15%). Can you believe that? 74%!!!! Pregnant women? Yeah, they smoke at a rate of 76% in Nunavut. That's not second hand smoke, that's the pregnant women themselves. I was talking to the instructor about this during break and he was telling me how it's completely accepted and you'll be having a conversation with an extremely pregnant woman while she's puffing away. He said it's hard to even stand around and watch that. It would be like standing around and watching a parent excessively beat their child. Hard to do. The infant mortality rate is 21/1000 here compared to 5/1000 in Canada and 6/1000 in the U.S. (Finland and Japan have the lowest infant mortality at 2.3/1000). So just let that sink in Nunavut, infants die at a rate 4x higher than the rest of Canada. Did I mention tuberculosis is prevalent here as well. Eeek. Back to smoking....a full 95% of infants are exposed to second-hand smoking in Nunavut. Compare that to 5% for Canada. !!! I mean, these numbers are mind-blowing. Nunavut has one of the highest smoking rates in ALL of the world. !!

    Listening to the elder's stories were fascinating. He did not speak English and looked like he'd stepped right out of the National Geographic article about Arctic Inuit peoples. He was born in an igloo. He doesn't know how old he is. He remembered the first time he saw a white man. Igloolik didn't exist. He and his community/family would pass by what is now Igloolik as they moved to and from their summer/winter grounds. The first white man was a missionary. This missionary then sent for a ship which brought wood and nails to build a church/house. The elder remembered that they were fascinated by this wooden structure. They'd never seen wood before. Hearing and seeing a plane for the first time was quite the impression as well. The noise of the engine was most memorable. They didn't understand that the noise was from the thing called an engine and was necessary to keep the machine airborne. So here I was, sitting in Igloolik's community hall, listening to a true voice of history and the past. The man remembered when 2 priests were here and then a ship came to take them off to a war. The Inuit didn't know what the war was or what it was about, but the white men had to go. Obviously, this was WWII. To think about the fact that this man, in his lifetime, has come from basically 1000 AD to 2018 AD in terms of lifestyle and technology. It's incredible. I can't even really fathom it. He went from literally not knowing what wood and an engine was to flying on planes, going to Ottawa, driving a snowmobile, etc. !!!!

    Finally, I got to chat with the instructor. I was showing him how to get to the restaurant during lunch and he asked where I was from. When I told him originally from Tennessee, his interest was quite piqued. (as a completely unrelated aside, most young Nunavummiut know Nashville because the one and only Nunavummiut NHL player, Tootoo, got drafted and played for Nashville as his first team!). We ended up chatting over lunch and sharing our cultures. Really neat. He is from a much smaller town than Igloolik and so it was really cool to hear his perspectives and experiences. One story he told was how when he was 15, he thought he was all that and had a big ego. He built an igloo and was super proud of himself, telling his family how good he was. Well, a few days later, a blizzard hit and his brother called him and told him to get dressed, come over, and bring his snow knives. When he got to his brother's house, his brother pointed outside and said, "Now go build an igloo". So, Peter went outside and tried to build one. About an hour later, frustrated, defeated, and with frostbitten cheeks, he returned inside. His brother looked at him, said nothing and got dressed to go outside. He went outside and 45 minutes later came back inside and told Peter to take a look. There, in the backyard was a finished igloo. He looked to Peter and said, "Building an igloo when everything is easy is nothing to be proud of. When you can build an igloo when things are tough, then you're ready to be a man." I thought that was a neat story and holds a lot of life lessons.
    This is the stuff I love. Hearing these stories and learning about the culture is fascinating.
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  • Hari 92

    Not just tongues to metal to worry about

    11 Desember 2017, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ -20 °C

    Learning. Isn't that what life is all about? It seems to be that way for me. Things I've learned recently...

    1. Shutting doors with non-gloved hands will literally burn your hands. I've had to work in -80C freezers for school/work and I know that holding ice on skin too long will burn....but never did I imagine living in a place where simply pulling the door shut behind you may result in searing pain....not to mention that split second where you feel your skin stick to the metal and you realize you've already committed to yanking your hand away so you say a quick hail Mary that your skin stays with your hand and not with the doorknob.

    2. Cloud storage does not exist up here. It doesn't work. Uploading and downloading files to the cloud is a big waste of data that we don't have. So, we operate in 2007 and use flash drives. I hate it so much. I can't ever remember which version is where.

    3. People are just tough here. I know this is probably a big ole shock, but life is harder here because the weather tends to make our little manmade gadgetry break like brittle matchsticks. Unfortunately, when things break, there isn't a "Service center" you can call to fix it. You have to fix it, or somehow drug an unsuspecting friend into helping. I haven't really had to ask for too much help, but I watch people having to work on their snowmobiles in the wind and dark and cold. And, they just do it. Too much snow building up? Why you must go outside and carve snow stairs into them so that you can easily traverse the "front lawn". You have to layer up like a Michelin Man to go outside and when you arrive at the store, you meander the aisles trying not to focus on how you might now pass out from the inferno building under your down layers and threatening to cremate you.

    4. Facebook will alert Igloolikmiut (name for folks living in Igloolik) if there are polar bears nearby. That's helpful. What's not helpful is when part of the message is in Inuktitut and you don't know whether the word you see means, "far from town" or "right outside your house".

    5. People can cook here! I went to my first larger social gathering/party on Saturday. It was lovely! The hosts really put out a good spread with several homemade types of fudge, pizza, dips. It was really impressive especially considering what we have to work with here. Other guests brought homemade spring rolls with peanut sauce, a quinoa salad with feta, cucumbers, and tomatoes, a homemade bread bowl filled with amazing cheese dip. I mean, it's nuts! Everything has to be homemade and many of the ingredients have come from thousands of miles away from trips and orders to/from Ottawa/Toronto. Everyone must hoard this stuff, then they make and share these delicious edibles with all of us. My food insecurity made it VERY difficult not to secret away plates and plates of the foods to save for later. I did, however, not move from the food area. There wasn't a chance in hell you were getting me to sit on a couch away from those homemade mini-chicken pot pies with homemade flaky, melt in your mouth pastry! As for the party, it was nice and there were lots of folks to talk to. Though, I am fast realizing that if you are not a nurse or teacher here, you confuse people because those are the two most popular professions for people moving to Igloolik.

    In less than a week, I will have my first visitor to Igloolik and I am beyond excited. There is a possibility of getting some extra snowmobiles to go cruising around the island and maybe seeing a polar bear! Stay tuned!
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  • Hari 97

    Holiday break!

    16 Desember 2017, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 -25 °C

    Yesterday was my last day at work until the New Year!! Whoop whoop!

    My ankle is healing nicely. I can now rotate it and it doesn't really hurt too much going down stairs.

    The weather is staying mild. We've been in the upper -teens and low -20s for the last few weeks. Just yesterday and today we're dipping into the mid -20's with wind chills around mid to upper -30s. The way I tell it's time for big parka is when the bridge of my nose hurts on the ride to or from work. That's my temperature gauge. Very scientific.

    Tomorrow, Jonathan arrives and I am super excited. One of my coworkers said he'd loan me some wolf or dog (can't remember) mitts for Jonathan to use if we go out on the land. A former coworker is still talking about us getting out around the island so I'm excited. However, I have learned that snowmobiles are finicky and they break all the least up here....or the predominant brand is total crap. Not sure which yet. My friend told me that on his street in the housing units just surrounding him, there is a total of 7 machines. One of which is currently running!!! So, when someone says, "are you gonna buy a snowmobile" I hear, "are you going to set yourself up for incredible frustration and anger at an inanimate object that is going to break on you in -30?" My response is, "No thanks". Maybe if I had a garage or something... My boss is leaving for meetings in early January and asked me to watch his dogs. He said that I could use his machines during that time, but that he needed to make sure I could start the snowmobile in the cold. The push start won't work in the cold and the back up pull cord flywheel freezes making pulling it extremely difficult. Sounds delightful. The thought of yanking on a cord that extends 18inches before it snaps back while yanking your shoulder out of socket (again, in very cold temps) sounds just delightful.

    In our housing units, the front entryway and back laundry room/sealift room do not have heat under their floors. I know this because the moment you step into one of those areas, the floor is freezing! I don't know how they heat the floors of the units. But, the units themselves are raised off the ground supported on metal struts. I believe this is because of the permafrost. Thus, all of our pipes are elevated off the ground. I have no idea how they insulate them enough to not freeze all the time. I was told my pipes will freeze, but if I'm lucky it won't happen too often and it will only happen when temps dip below -40.

    I have also realized that the internet environment we live in now is predicated on large data availability and fast connections. Think back to the websites of 1996 if you will. They were usually a single page...of text only. Now, we have flash, we have pics, we have pop ups. And shopping. Whew shopping. First you search, then the results populate and they consist of pictures of the product. To learn more, you must click the picture. More pictures and details load. Then, you decide if you want it. If so, you put it in your Shopping Cart. The website wants you to know you put it in your cart so it shows you the cart. Then, you can go back to shopping if you want and repeat the process all over again. Now, transport yourself back to that 1996 web and think about the TIME it takes to load all those thumbnails...those interactive shopping widgets....those pop ups telling me about their latest clearance deal....then, my god, DON'T TAKE ME TO THE CART!!! It takes SO LONG to load the cart, then start all over again. I apologize in advance to my family. They will likely get whatever the first item is that loads. Good luck everybody!! lololol.

    I'm including some pics of the airport this week. I thought that it needed more exposure. When you look at it, it seems small and inadequate, but when you think about the fact that a town of 1500-2000 has an airport like this, it's pretty substantial! I mean, there aren't many towns this size that i know of that have two airlines servicing them and runways with lights/services.

    We had our holiday party at work this week too. We ordered 4 pizzas from the hotel in town that makes pizzas. Four pizzas = $120. Not too bad I guess. And, the manager cooked an Arctic Char. The fish du jour up here. They can be quite delicious.

    Happy Holidays everyone!!
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  • Hari 98

    First trip out to the ice

    17 Desember 2017, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 -27 °C

    Yesterday I had another Arctic first....snowmobiling on the sea ice. #348 of things I never thought I'd say.

    I needed to test my true winter gear in case we end up going out when Jonathan is here. My boss's snowmobile has not been running right and he wanted to take it out and get it hot to see if that helped. I thought to myself, "hmmm, your snowmobile isn't running right, so I'm going to ride out onto the sea ice with you". That good decision making again. But, I did insist that a GPS come with us and thankfully, we didn't really get too far out of eyesight of the town.

    It also was the coldest day of the year yesterday. Something around -26 or -27C (-16 F) with windchills of -40 or -41C (-40 F). That wind was incredible. I was warm and cozy though. I think that having a windshield and a person in front of you is key! I wanted to take a few pictures and I've never felt such searing pain so quickly in my hands from the cold. I took a video and at 15 seconds the pain was so hot and painful that I had to basically just drop the phone in my pocket and see to my hands. FIFTEEN SECONDS. Hands were on fire. I have had my hands hurt that bad from the cold before, but just not in that short of a time period. And, the seriousness of leaving your hands unprotected really hits home when I felt that pain in such a short time.

    My boss asked if I'd driven a snowmobile before and when I told him no, he let me take it for a cruise. That's when I learned that having a human windblock in front of you is way better than the dinky windshield. I will have to have better nose/cheek protection if I'm going to drive one for more than 1 minute. I also learned that the hand-protection necessary for me to live and keep my fingers actually prevents me from holding the handlebar and throttle. My wittle hands in the big ole mitts barely could hold on and stay in control. Again, gonna have to figure something out with that.....

    We visited the cemetery which was cool. It overlooks the town. I have no idea how the graves are dug and how they bury folks in the winter......maybe they just sit outside in the Earth cooler until summer?? I tried sweeping off some snow from the markers to see information, but the two I tried cleaning off had nothing on them?? No idea.

    It was fun to fly across the snow, which was actually the ice. You can't tell when you're on it. Maybe we'll go to the floe edge when Jonathan is here. I also had to remind myself to keep an eye out for bears. I mean, we are driving around their home.

    All in all, I was really pleased with how my boots, parka, mitts and hat went. Which that reminds me, my beaver hat that I got from surplus on a totally lucky fluke is freaking awesome! I look ridiculous, but that thing is amazing. I wore it yesterday to test it for Jonathan because I was planning on letting him wear it. Man, oh man, he's gonna be spoiled. Not one ice tendril of -40 wind (and probably colder since we were running at 20km/hr on a skidoo too!) made it's way past the hard-working beaver fur protecting my face. I tell ya, if I could skin a zoo and wear it, I would. (I debated writing that sentence--but I knew my readers would know it was all in jest. Of course I wouldn't skin a zoo. I mean, what would I do with a turtle shell? lololol). I will be getting another layer for my legs. I had wool long underwear, 800 gram weight down filled mid-layer pants, and windproof, insulated snow pants on top. Wasn't enough. One more layer---maybe my Carhartt bibs.

    I am off to the airport in just a few hours to pick up Jonathan! He's made the journey and even skirted a blizzard in Iqaluit to land and even depart to Igloolik. Luck be a lady! (No idea what that means---but it seems like it should fit here!). Can't wait to see what he thinks of everything!!!
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  • Hari 110

    First Visitor and Vacation!

    29 Desember 2017, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ -28 °C

    I've fallen off the radar because I was busy entertaining my first visitor. So many things to do like walk to the store, check the post office (which is in the store so it's a two-fer), watch holiday movies, cook, carry boxes back from post office, borrow ATV for ride around town (and another post office run), play games like Boggle, Battleship, Bananagrams, Blink....see, I mean, just no time for anything. Oh and did I mention eating? I am in dire straits in terms of fitting into the only pair of snow pants I have up here. No scale or worry about looking good. No. My motivation is making sure I can fit into my 'survival' gear. lolol!!

    We had a very nice visit. I think my husband was able to relax from a hectic past 3 months at work as well as figuring out life on his own. I think he enjoyed that the most taxing thing he had to do for two weeks was break down cardboard from the lovely, amazing packages we received.

    Speaking of packages, the mail ladies (There are two of them), know me by name. We chat. I spend some time there...picking up the xmas packages from my mom and friends. I tell ya what, I am freaking SPOILED. I am eating better snacks and goodies, and toys, games, puzzles than I ever did in Vancouver area! lololol!!

    During the holidays, the various groups in the community host 'games' every night at the community hall followed by hukki until the wee hours of the morning. It's incredible. The groups hosting include the local circus, daycare, alcohol education committee, high school, the co-op store, etc. So, groups in the community host these 'games'. I thought they were competitive athletic games, but they're actually group games that anyone over 16 (if they're giving away money or prizes) can participate in. Really neat way to get the community involved and fun. Folks get serious about winning these games!! The games we went to were preceded by a community feast. I thought it was key for Jonathan to really see the town and the events. We were the only two non-natives there to start. Yep, didn't stick out like sore thumbs with Jonathan's 6'2" frame and our clearly, non-Inuit faces. The food is called 'country food', which I find funnily ironic since I grew up in a place in the States considered "country" and full of foods that the rest of the States, let alone Canada, are aware of....."country food" so to speak. Somehow, I end up in a place in the Arctic that eats "country food". lol. For the feast, the food is laid out in the center of the community hall on large piecemeal pieces of cardboard. This feast consisted of the immediately recognizable and pungent igunaq. Igunaq is fermented walrus meat. It has been cached in the rocks for months and then dug up. It's considered a delicacy. It has the distinct green glaze of very ripe food. There wasn't a chance I was going to try it. The odor was enough for me. Inuit know that us newcomers are wimps and don't handle a lot of the food very well. So, I wasn't worried about being disrespectful---we are not necessarily expected to eat it. I should mention everything was frozen. The other items were (frozen of course), raw Arctic char, raw caribou, beluga and narwhal muktuk (the skin/blubber pieces). You are supposed to bring your own knife or ulu (a specialty knife that is used for cutting) and a piece of cardboard if you want to eat the country food. They brought out pots of caribou stew and that thankfully masked the igunaq smell quite nicely. It smelled delicious! After prayer, people rushed, and I use that term literally, to the center to get a sampling of the foods. I quickly lined up for the stew! I knew my priorities. It was yummy with potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and caribou pieces served with rice.

    I got up the nerve to ask my coworker who was there if she would help me try some country food. I figured it was time. And, I trust her. I knew she'd properly prep me. As an aside, when the TV show Fear Factor was in its heyday, I never thought about applying because I knew I'd gag and throw up on the gross food things they had to do. I even looked at a semi-fresh cow placenta replete with flies one time at the dairy farm where I was doing some work....I imagined myself having to eat that placenta and whether I could do if for 50k. The answer was a resounding, yakking, "NO!". My coworker generously cut up some narwhal muktuk and gave me a tiny tiny piece. Her father-in-law also slid in to give me advice. That was really sweet. Everyone nearby was watching the white lady to see what happened. So much pressure. I put it in my mouth and lo and behold, it tasted like......nothing. Well, tasted like some soy sauce I doused it in...but no real strong flavor at all! I was so relieved! It wasn't bad at all. The skin was a bit chewy. Go figure. Raw whale skin, chewy. Who would have thought?? lolol. Then, she offered me a thin slice of caribou. I thought, well, if I did the muktuk, I can do raw carbou. WRONG. Ugh! It was fine.....just tasted like a hunk of blood. So much blood taste. (my face is scrunched up now with the memory). After I rubbed my tongue vigorously on the roof of my mouth and got my wits back about me, I asked my coworker what her favorite country food which she replied, "caribou". Of course. Glad I just acted like an ass eating it. Perfect. Insert foot Jasmine. Jonathan declined to try anything. lol.
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  • Hari 112

    Fresh polar bear tracks

    31 Desember 2017, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 -33 °C

    The last day of Jonathan's visit was a good one. We had a bit of an adventure, though, it was probably a little ill-advised given that the temps were pretty low (in my boss's words, "stupid day to go out").

    Before Jonathan arrived, a friend had offered to take Jonathan and me out for a skidoo ride. Of course, this was when temps were significantly warmer and not all 4 machines he had access to were broken down. But, when push came to shove, he made it happen. We decided to turn the ride into a "business" trip so that we could legitimately use work machines. Then, my friend used a machine with a broken choke cord so we brought pliers and were cognizant not to shut the machines off (which you don't really do anyway cause it's too cold). Finally, my boss rounded out our little soiree. He decided to come and test his machine to again make sure the clutch was holding up and it was running on both cylinders. Knowing this, my friend made sure to have a tow rope in case any of the machines crapped out.

    It was chilly that day. Around -45 to -50 with the wind chill. Just the perfect temps to be hauling ass across the ice. My boss chose to wear a complete ringed seal skin ensemble. No seal skin mitts though. Parka replete with wolverine fur around the collar. My friend had his trusty wolf mitts. Taking no chances, I layered my legs so much that I could not physically bend my knee enough to get my leg over the seat of the skidoo.

    For the curious ones, this is my outfit (scintillating i know---but hey, this may be useful in the future for my swarm of visitors that I know are just racing to book their flights up!). First, full 100% wool heavy long underwear. Cross country ski windproof pants. Mid-weight 800 gram fill down-filled pants. Windproof, waterproof insulated ski pants. Insulated Carhartt bibs on top. That's right. Five layers on my legs. On top was the long underwear I mentioned, then a fleece zip up, then an 800-gram down-filled zip up jacket, then the Canada Goose Wildlife Officer-issued parka. On my head was a wool hat then a windproof balaclava and beaver hat. Goggles of course. On my feet were two pair of socks and Arctic boots by Baffin. On my hands, I only was able to wear -20C rated mitts with a liner mitt inside because my -40C rated mitts are too restricting for me to operate the skidoo throttle. So, dressing is simple and quick---just throw on a small fortune worth of clothes, make sure not one millimeter of skin is exposed, and you're done. Easy peasy. Jonathan was decidedly less dressed, but he is like a one-man nuclear reactor. He had his fur lined hooded coat on under his fur-lined parka. Neck gaiter and goggles. He wore my -40C mitts and insulated boots (though my toes would have been done for in the boots he was wearing--they were NOT true winter boots--but he powered through). All in all, I was toasty warm. His goggles drove him nuts because he couldn't get them to stop fogging up. There's not many things more annoying than not being able to see when you're out on the ice in polar bear country. lol. Thankfully, mine worked great. Unfortunately, that meant that he never got to drive.

    We headed out and drove for about 30 min....I guess....who knows...I kept missing the mile markers on the ice you know. They just really lack good signage. My boss brought a gun. And, we all were doing head sweeps to look for bears. I imagine running up on a polar bear isn't the desired goal. Opening up the skidoos on the ice was fun! (For anyone that maybe knows me a little might say that i have a bit of a speed demon side to me....I'm not admitting anything of course). I think we hit somewhere between 40-50km/hr and we could have gone WAY faster, but the ice was not super smooth so there was a lot of movement. Kinda tiring actually.

    We made it out to the electric fences where locals cache walrus meat and let it ferment for months. Cameras were deployed to determine if polar bears are deterred by them or not. We picked up the exact same type of cameras I spent the whole summer deploying in North Idaho. I thought it hilarious that I drug Jonathan out to Idaho and made him traipse through the woods, much to his sweaty chagrin, putting up those cameras while avoiding fresh bear scat, much to his life-fearing chagrin. And, now, here we are again, fooling with cameras. This time, in -40C in the Arctic while inspecting fresh polar bear tracks. Dying laughing. I have a very easy-going husband I think! Bless his heart!

    We got our cameras and got outta there. Toes started to get cold. My hands were SO cold. Turns out having to use your thumb on that trigger really exposes that little nubbin of a finger to the cold. I had to use my palm to operate the throttle.

    There were nice big polar bear tracks ALL around the fences. We came across pretty fresh mom and cub tracks on our way out. Pretty cool to be skidooing across the ice and come across polar bear sign.

    On the way back, my balaclava froze completely solid. I thought that it was a plastic piece of my parka. I couldn't even tell what was on my face. No wind was hitting me so I figured it was all good----keep that thumb on the throttle and get home!

    After returning, we had a big delicious brunch with Belgian waffles, bacon and hashbrown casserole. Mimosas and cinnamon whiskey warmed our bellies as well. Then, we all left and promptly crashed hard asleep. Turns out driving skidoos in -50 will wear your ass out! lol.
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