• Day 26

    Australia, South Australia

    April 15, 2014 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Ann Van Trigt
    "Blue for me symbolises life, love and dreams fulfilled."

    Love. For all.
    Because the painting remind me for my hope freedom for everyone
    Dear Peter and Heidi, your painting connects me with the joy I had visiting you a few years ago, your friendship and the pleasure to discover your art.Hope to visit you again and your so beautiful island, blue and white, symbol of cycladic island, I
    For a short time a arabian young boy is in my home for guest ,to work with the son of my husband. He told storys about Israel, his loved mother, his brother and all his hope for the future and his love to the ocean.This blue remember me, the love he hav
    Wie schon des Öfteren gesagt, hätte ich sehr gern ein von dir gemaltes Bild, lieber Peter!
    This painting reminds me that ideas happen when you're least expecting it and I hope that continues to be true
    Peace . a happy & peaceful easter to all around the world
    two people - soul mates - one hope
    I wish to peace for all corners of this planet....and this painting reminds me of 2 close friends. Good luck to all contestants.
    It is our daughter's wedding day. This is man and woman. We hope for their love and happiness
    I wanna be strong and free like an eagle to see and guard always my children.
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