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  • Dia 105

    Munich, Germany

    22 de abril, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

    We got an early start to Munich from Venice. The Dolomite mountains (NE Alps) are covered w snow today, and it's sunny but cold. Good thing we bought hats and mittens in Venice. Beautiful drive through snow-capped mountains and glacial river flows.

    Arrived in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, and home to Beer Festivals, Pretzels, and Bavarian traditions. So, of course, it's off to the Bavarian Beer Hall we go for dinner. Especially liked the personal Beer Stein lockers in the Bars. Did we mention big, soft, warm pretzels!?! BTW, it's also the start of the White Asparagus season.

    April 22
    Munich is a very walkable town full of old charm where, yes, people still walk about in Bavarian clothes on special occasions. Found several high-end shops selling lederhosen for men and dirndls for women. It's a traditional dress with a structured bodice, tightly tied and decoratively embroidered. Sexy for men is judged by calf size, so we all smiled when we saw pushup calf warmers for sale.

    Everyone knows about the Nazi past of Munich, and how it became the center of WW II. So what impressed us was how the City has come to terms with its past, how it has taken responsibility for it and what steps it took to make sure that the lessons are taught to kids so that the horrors never happen again.

    As we toured the city, our guide shared stories of Munich and its recovery after WWII. The city was reduced to rubble by Allied bombs during World War II. However, thanks to an unlikely combination of progressive politics, respect for Old World architecture, and the Marshall Plan, the city was able to make an impressive recovery.

    That afternoon, we decided to check out Springfest (a mini Octoberfest), and we really enjoyed the big tents where everyone sits together, the large pretzels and, of course, the Beer.
    Then headed back to the shopping street in search of hiking boots as we are headed for the Alps tomorrow.

    That night, we went to a Jazz club and heard a fabulous 18-piece big band playing the classics.

    April 23
    Early morning as we set out for a much more somber experience - a visit to the Dauchau Concentration Camp. A quiet reflection as we head towards Switerland.
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