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  • Dag 2

    Verona day 2

    6 juni 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Up early and went out for our first Italian breakfast in Verona. A small coffee bar where we nervously ordered coffee, hot chocolate, teas and chocolate pastries. This was the first time we realised that Adia had learned a few words of Italian and she was immediately promoted to chief interpreter.

    It was a warm day and Michelle and Jacqueline had booked themselves onto a walking tour. Subsequently, it turned up that they didn’t find the walking tour guide and wandered about themselves, found some key points of interest and then got a bit lost too. But with hindsight it was a helpful event.

    Andrew and Adia on the other hand decided to chill and had a short wander about the nearest park, looking at lizards and just watching the world go by, they found a small supermarket and bought some supplies. They tried their first ice cream (mango) of the trip….but not their last and had a good day.

    An trip to the train station so we knew where it was happened in the afternoon and the best dad joke of the holiday when we spotted the Verona city flag looked like the Swedish flag and Adia asked why there were so many Swedish flags about…..because their not Finnish(ed) was the retort. A joke that enabled Adia smiles in every subsequent photo.

    Adia and her dad waited on Jacqueline and Michelle to come back to apartment in the cafe close by.

    Later that evening we went out to dinner at nice bistro where Michelle had her best dish of the holiday with a knuckle of slow cooked beef. Jacqueline tried some wine and got a little bit tipsy. Back home to apartment where we chatted around the kitchen table and drank vodka
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