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  • Day 4

    Tuvu, Fiji

    May 1 in Fiji ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Today we went on the Sigotoka River Safari. We rode in a bus for around half an hour. We got off at our first stop, a gift shop/tourist trap. I bought a shirt that said Fiji Weather Station. It takes different conditions and makes them funny. For example, rainy... coconut wet, sunny... coconut dry, and the funniest one is cyclone... coconut gone. After we bought stuff and went to the toilet, we got back on the bus and rode for another half hour. We then arrived at the destination, where we put on life-jackets and got in a speed-boat. We rode for about ten minutes, when we stopped, our guide told us about the cliff we had stopped at and how it had the best marble in the world but they would never sell it. He also told us that kids had to swim to school and how they put their stuff on a bit of bamboo that was cut to about six meters that they hold above their heads. We had some more stops like this till we got to a village (Tuvu). We climbed up to it and went inside for prayers and prepared some kind of drink called Kava. Kava is a ceremonial drink made from the Kava root. Unfortunately I was really overwhelmed by the heat, my sore foot where the bee had stung me yesterday, so I had to wait outside with Mama. After we had food it was time to go back to the boat which took us to the dock where we got back on the bus. When we got back we had to get straight into the pool because we were so hot. After we cooled down we had some ice cream.
    Today from our guide we learned that Fiji has the only currency in the world to have a $7 note. In the Olympics of 2016 and 2020, Fiji won gold in the rugby sevens, so they made a special $7 note to celebrate but they only made 2 million of them. So far they are the only ones to have won rugby in the Olympics because it was only added in 2016. We could not find a real one so we googled it and put a photo here for you to see.

    Moce for now!

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