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  • Finally, we're doing it!! after 35 years together, raising lots of kids, now with over 23 mokos and 5 great grandchildren, we're travelling the world! Woop, woop! Wow we arrived, 15 hour straight flight from Aotearoa to Vancouver, Canada, going from a miserably wet winter to Mid Summer in the Northern Hemisphere with Mr Casey, our Jinni, TJ and Addy. Three weeks here in Kamloops which is some three hours north of Vancouver up in the mountains, then we're flying to Edinburgh- Scotland, hiring a car and tracking some of Eugene's Tupuna- the Thom whanau and Foulis Castle around Aberdeen, Inverness, then flying to London to do a Tour for 8 days travelling England, Wales and the other side of Scotland ending up at the Edinburgh Tatoo! where all the Scots Clans gather and parade playing their bagpipes etc. Aug 17th we fly to Shannon, Ireland and will meet up with Tess, Jon in his homeland and and our new moko Alana Jackie Aihe Oshea and stay with Jon's mum, Siobhan in Tralee, County Kerry! Also blessed to be invited to attend Mar'y Ellen's (Jon's sisters) wedding, Final stop will by my bucket list wish, Egypt! for 10 days to kiss and smell a pyramid, staying on a boat on the Nile River, the Mauri - Life Force of Egypt. "Our" trip of a lifetime, can't believe we made this happen.
    Mid July, first night at our Mr Casey's and Jinni's beautiful home, slept like a baby. TJ and Addy so big now, taller than me, 14 and 16 years old now! Wow, they have 2 dogs and 2 cats- all very loving! Canada is AMAZING, Vast landscapes, everything huge, bold, magical! We have our own self contained unit downstairs, pool in the backyard and spa! Woosh!!
    GOOD MORNING CANADA!! We're here, so lovely to touch and feel our Son Mr Casey and our Jinni and big moko girls in their space, cuddles all round! Up early - like 4am, Kiwi time, dad sleeping like a log, me keen to touch, smell and look at everything! Canadian boarder, a breeze, straight through, didn't even check our bags!!
    So, so blessed to be of reasonable health, both of us and doing this rips for memories of a lifetime. Incredible, prays the rest of our trip flows well. Feeling at peace in mind, body and sould and being and doing for us! Paimarire tatou katoa!
    Day 1: Hanging out with the mokos TJ & Adddy, time differences making us pretty sleepy, trying to reorientate, Jinni's dad not well, age 79, has Alzheimers, he's been a major Cowboy, horseman in his lifetime, has chosen to suffer no more and will pass over shortly. Jinni & whanau, quite vulnerable, So day 1, quiet, tranquility in this area amazing, no rubbish on streets, nothing dirty, not even cars, no people movement - quite surreal! Girls glued to their phones, intermittent chats! Teens the whole world over the same! How the world has changed!
    Unpacked for our stay in our pad, own kitchen, bathroom, next door a Huge room which is a threatre, couches, blankys, H.U.G.E. screen, pop corn maker, perfect for all those freezing cold days of long winters up here! Mid summer here 15 hours of daylight from 4am to 10pm and then winter barely 5-6 hours daylight, so completely controlled by your environment here. Summer days frequently 35 degrees mid summer!
    First family visitor,Jinni's sister Dana, Jinni and Dana, the 2 youngest. Delicious dinner and off to a Gem Show, moko girls on 2 months holidays from school now, perfect timing! Dad bought some garnets, TJ bought some chrystals for her room. I bought Flourite stones, green, blue and purple, for balance, joy and harmony.
    Next day we went to meet Jinni's dad, Rick and partner Betty , watched a video of his amazing horsemanship, shared stories, he seemed at peace with himself. Were going onto a picnic by the river withJinni's sisters, Dana, Dara and Darcy, but a thunder storm cam suddenly and within minutes roads were awash, from the desert surface, waters isn't absorbed easily, it washes over! so home we went!
    Day 5 and Jinni's dad has sadly passed away, his choice, said farewell to all his dearest and chose to no longer suffer with Alzheimers, with
    Moe mai e te rangatira, Takoto Rangimarie! Rest, sleep in Peace!
    Hey guess what also, its legal to smoke Cannabis in Canada too and everyone just purchases what strength they want in ciggarettes and life moves on! Wow! Canada so ahead of so many other countries in these respects!
    No big deal, nothing! Crazy humour and banter between Jinni and her sisters, all smoke a bit, dad right at home here!
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