  • Dag 20

    Obscura'd Day

    4 november 2018, Schotland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    After getting up bright an early, as well as getting ready for the day, I made my way downstairs for breakfast. There was no way I was going to miss it again today. Once I was completely nourished, I headed off to the Camera Obscura. Naturally when I arrived they informed everyone in line that although the building was open, the camera was broken. They did however offer the full price ticket with the chance to come back when it was fixed. I decided that since I was already there I may as well go see all the other fun stuff they had. Walking up six flights of stairs is no joke, but I did make it to the top, and even if I wasn't going to see the main event, I may as well take in the view. It may not have been the tallest building in the vicinity, but it had spectacular vantage point to see the surrounding area. After soaking in what I could, as well as an impromptu tour from one of the workers there, I made my way down one flight of stairs and on to the exhibit. It was so much fun! About 90% of what they offered was interactive, and a joy for all ages. There were a couple of things that I missed out on because you needed a friend to use them, but I was having too much fun to feel like I missed out. A highlight of this place for me was that, for the first time in my life, I was able to see what was in a "magic image" photo. I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up from finally being able to concur a type of picture that has thrown me off my whole life. It was so enjoyable that I didn't even realize how long I had been there, and before I knew it, it was time to head off to meet a friend who was coming in from Glasgow to meet me. It had been about three years since we had seen each other, and I was so excited. After I located him, we got right back in to the swing of things, and walked around for a bit before our lunch reservation. When we had killed enough time we headed over to a swanky place in the Balmoral Hotel, where the food was exquisite. I got roast duck, which was heavenly, and a black current tart for dessert. Normally there would be photos included, but taking in to consideration not only my company but also how classy this place is, I decided to skip it and just enjoy my meal. Following our meal my friend and I had a reservation for a whiskey bar, but that was hours out, and we thought a nice walk through the city would be a good plan to catch up, and he even pointed out sights along the way. We literally walked, only stopping for coffee and a bathroom break, for three hours... over hilly terrain. Surviving the walk, and not doing too badly on breath, we made it to Usquabae. There we were lead down into an old cellar, converted very tastefully, to a seating area. Although I know I enjoy whiskey, I know very little about it, but thank goodness my friend guided me through. I even managed to drink a whiskey as old as I am. Throughly having enjoyed my time with my friend, and appreciating the finery of the day, we made our way back to the train station. We said our goodbyes, hoping it wouldn't be another three years until we next saw one another, and went our separate ways. Thank goodness I have at least a handle on how to get back to where I need to, because I made it to the hostel without a phone, and I didn't even trip once. So, five hundred steps or so later, many hills along the course of the day, with new memories galore, I settled down for the night utterly bone weary and with legs that had given up. Grabbing a bite to eat at the cafe in the building, I was done, but thrilled with my adventure. So sends another exciting day.Meer informatie