  • Dia 6

    A local adventure.

    9 de dezembro de 2019, Índia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    The first thing I have to mention, because I have been remiss in saying it thus far, are the bug bites. Now as much as I hate mosquitoes normally, I feel especially adverse to them here; although I suppose they could also be bites from ants, or something else I haven't considered. Along with the normal sized, itchy, and swollen patches of skin, I have also been getting huge welts nearly the size of a quarter. I have never gotten a reaction, that I can remember, of that nature before. Fortunately Erin, my very gracious host, shared some of her arnica gel with me, and it took the itch and a lot of the swelling away. What I found odd is that the bites are only waist down, with nothing on my face, arms, or body.

    Anyway, on to the adventure. After taking a short stroll around the grounds, I went back to the small store on the street and loaded up on my newfound favorites, making sure there was enough to satisfy my craving and to share. Then the plan for the day was to go eat at the 'Canteen' at the clinic, where the food is supposed to be spicier and more flavorful, and just figure it out from there until my nighttime walk though the shops. What ended up happening is so much more exciting. I will now be getting an ayurvedic massage. As it has been explained to me, it is not like what I am familiar with in regard to the term, but instead an hour long of being rubbed with special oils, and then showered off. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I'll definitely be keeping an open mind, and I'd like to think I'm less likely to be shocked after the Turkish bath; that was an eye opening event indeed. Not much else to report so far today, but you know there will be more to come.

    I added some photos because I know you all want them. Make sure you check out the captions.
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