  • Dia 22

    Leaving Tanzania

    3 de agosto de 2017, Zimbábue ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    We have had three 5am starts in a row now, followed by three long journey days to leave Zanzibar and head overland on the truck towards Malawi. The twelve hour travelling day on Tuesday was beaten by the 14 hour drive yesterday! Today's should only be about 10... A bonus of these long days means we have had two bush camps, the first one we had time for a camp fire which both Junior and Senior James managed to build very successfully. Arriving late last night we ditched the planned chicken stew and had a quick breakfast tea with left over potatoes, baked beans, tomatoes, eggs and toast - ideal when you're really hungry with all hands on deck. Often, the driver, hasn't had it easy, not only suffering from Malaria, another illness related to Malaria and Typhoid but is also a target for the very corrupt traffic police in Tanzania. Many times they stop him, to try and fine him for speeding, which clearly he hasn't but who can argue with them? All this and he has never complained once, he just keeps on smiling.
    Yesterday's scenery was particularly interesting with hills, valleys, villages boa boa trees (the same as boab trees in Aus) and a drive through Mikumi National Park as the main surfaced road transects it. Apparently it is home to pygmy elephants and other unusual looking wildlife. We saw lots of giraffes, zebra, warthogs, impala, birds, and blue wildebeest. All great to see from the truck while just driving through on route to somewhere else.
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