  • Gün 22

    Pontevedra to Caldas De Reis

    4 Haziran 2018, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We started off early today, as we were not too sure if it was 21 or 19 kms we were going to be walking. This was our last longest day. After this we have one day of 17kns and another one of 16 kms. And a short day. As it was, the days walk turned out to be 25kms.

    But it is official; the writer of this journal is a MORON, and the likes of my husband will agree with me and even go on to say "I knew that all the time". We were having breakfast and we were talking to a Polish lady who the previous day had walked 35 kms,and ended up getting blisters on her foot, they had tried to do the walk in 6 days. Her brother had got up at 5.30 in the morning and left, as he was attempting to walk the rest of the 60 kms today. She was going to catch a bus to Santiago de Compostella, as her foot was hurting to much. She went on to mention it was going to be raining all day. I had looked out that morning too and thought it was going to rain. Any sensible person would have taken their wet weather gear. But not muggings here, she sent off her water proof pants with her main luggage which was transported each day. Stupid stupid stupid.

    2 to 3 kms into our walk it drizelled, it rained, it poured. Out came rain coats and back pack covers and ponchos, then the sun came out for a short time, we would just get off the wet gear off, and back again the skies decided other wise. So we had 20% sun shine and 80% rain. This in 25kms of walking fantastic. NOT.

    We met with the American family we had met at dinner and breakfast the day before, walked a short time talking to them. There was not many places to stop and get food today, so we had some snacks stashed up in our back packs. This was actually breakfast I had not eaten, but taken to eat on the go. But about 10 kms into our walk there was a cafe high up on the peak of our walk. It was doing a roaring trade with all the walkers stopping for a hot drink and lunch. There I even met a kiwi from Palmerston North, with an Australian friend. She had two daughters studying in Wellington, and I had a daughter studying in Plalmerston North.

    After a hearty lunch and a glass of fresh OJ we were back on the path. Even though it was raining you appreciated the walking path. It was sometimes through very picturesque woods, then at times through small grapevine plots, at times parralel to the main highway, but most of the time it was through beautiful country. This walk needs to be on everyone's bucket list at least to do it once.

    When we were close to our destination I thought I will look for the way to our place of accommodation, trying to multi task in the rain, I stubbed my toe, and saw stars through the rain, my anger with myself now grew to mamoth proportion, not only was I sopping wet, but now I had a very painful toe. I had changed my wet socks at one point, so that I would not get blisters, but the pair I now had was quite soft, so ofcourse I felt the pain through my boots. Honestly!!!!!!!

    Finally we got to our destination, which thankfully was slam bang in the middle of the city. Soon as got to the apartment we went and got some provisions. Shyama does the cooking I do the chopping stuff. Mainly because she can cook better than me. Once again it was rice and curry for dinner. We were so tired but even through we went to bed around 9.00pm neither of us apparently did not get to sleep till around mid night. In my case only because I was listening to a book, and was scared. So any one who believed my yarn about killing a snake the day before is a Moran just like me, or you do not know me that well. What was good though was Colin thought I had done the deed, I love it when I get one over him. Love it! love it! love it!!!!

    I will put the photos on tomorrow.
    Okumaya devam et