South Mexico and Cuba

November 2018 - Januari 2019
Petualangan 40-sehari oleh Justine Fabienne Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 14


    6 Desember 2018, Meksiko ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Villahermosa was the first step while heading north-east. In comparison to Chiapas you could notice immediately that the state of Tabasco was more civilized and modern than the south. Villahermosa has a beautiful park with a lake in the middle of the city, which was pretty big. Although we only drove 4 hours, the climate was totally different as well, in Comitán it was kind of cold and here it was very humid and hot. We did not plan a lot for Villahermosa, so we just strolled around the city and walked a lot, which was fine. We ended the “Nikolaus Tag” in the Hotel with a movie and snacks, which was quiet chill. The next step will be the 3 hour far city Ciudad del Carmen in the state of Campeche. Can’t believe it’s almost time for Cuba ☺️Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 16


    8 Desember 2018, Meksiko ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    The last chilled days in Mexico before our trip to Cuba starts were planned for the city of Campeche. We found a really beautiful Air BnB in a very good area at the cost line. The host made breakfast for us which was super nice and gave us some advise what to see in the city. Campeche is a really beautiful city, very clean and more modern and less poor than the cities we saw before. We went to a local history museum, strolled around the cost line and the centro historic and we went to the cinema.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 20


    12 Desember 2018, Meksiko ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Last night we took the night bus from Campeche to Cancun to save one night of costs for a hostel or hotel. This was the most horrible bus trip ever for me because although it was only 13 degrees outside, the bus had full air condition. I was literally sitting there with shoes, long pants, 2 shirts, a pullover and a jacket and I was freezing like hell. In 7 hours bus ride I was not able to sleep a minute, which was also the reason for my bad mood when we arrived. Anyway, I was happy because today was our flight to Cuba and we met Charita and Eline again for breakfast.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 22


    14 Desember 2018, Kuba ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Beautiful people, stunning vibe and the time stands still. These are my impressions after the first 2 days being in Cuba.
    When we arrived in Havana (it was already pretty late) we soon noticed that the Cubans have a special currency only for tourists. This currency kind of equals the value of Euro and what surprised me even more, they also sell everything here for Euro prices. This was kind of shocking because after not sending a lot of money during my travels and life in Mexico I was not used to these kind of prices anymore. When we arrived at the airport, the taxi to the city already costed us 25 CUC and the transport from Havana to Trinidad was 140 CUC in total. At the end of the first day in Cuba with dinner and all the transport I already spent like 70€ and I kind of decided really fast that I will better be satisfied with limiting my travel plans on Trinidad and Havana only. Anyways the whole vibe and the overwhelming friendliness of the Cuban people beats everything. Our hosts Maibé and Leonardo are the most generous people you can imagine and the house is beautiful.
    Another interesting thing about Cuba is that they do not have normal WiFi. In order to get WiFi or service on your phone you have to buy a WiFi code for 1-2€ and go to a public park or hotel and you can only use the WiFi there for 1 hour. In the beginning I was shocked how dependent we are on internet and our phones but I soon noticed that you actually don’t need it. It’s definitely enough if you check your mails or what’s app each day for one hour and spend the rest of the day without your phone.
    I am really looking forward to see more of this beautiful country the next days! ☺️🇨🇺
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  • Hari 26


    18 Desember 2018, Kuba ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Havana is a city with a lot of things to see. You can literally see that the time stands still in some of Havana’s neighborhoods. The buildings are still old, the kind of recent revolution (during the 1960’s) is still visible. The history of the city is impressive, the whole story of the revolution can be found in the revolution museum in the centro. Havana is a city that is living, it is always crowded with a lot of music and a lot of colors but what I noticed negatively is that tourists are clearly separated from the local society. Since the tourists have to pay in the currency which is especially for them, everything is super expensive. On every street and in every corner people are coming to you and try to sell you stuff, which is okay for the first day but after day 5 I’m only annoyed. If you walk in the side streets, you can see the real Havana, especially the poverty of the Cubans. Since the Cuban system works in a way that there is no real poor and rich, only poor, basically no one has money. There are no real supermarkets here and the country is constantly in a shortage of certain products. When I entered a “supermarket”, which was more like a little side corner store, I was only able to find one sort of cookies, one kind of food in a can, one sort of milk. That’s it, the rest was sold out for the week and it’s only Tuesday. Mentioning by the way that one package of milk was about 2€. The poverty forces may people here to beg for food or money and the houses are damaged and old. Also if you walk through the side streets you can see all kind of things, people chilling in their front doors, people cutting hair, a shit load of trash, people selling fruits, street dogs, dead birds and yesterday I saw a dead pig head. If you are a couple from the mid 40’s that is able to spend the money for a beautiful Cuba holiday (which I would btw. estimate at 2500€ speaking of a 10 day average consumer trip), you will be impressed by the beauty of the country and the friendliness of the people but I would definitely not recommend it to backpackers with a lower budget because then it could happen that you will be confronted by the reality of Havana or Cuba in general. I will not say it’s not worth the trip, it definitely is! But it will might differentiate from your expectations.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 28


    20 Desember 2018, Meksiko ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    After being in Cuba for 8 days it’s time to go back to Mexico and I have to admit that I never thought, I would miss this country so much with only being away for a week. I’m looking forward to the music, the people and especially the food! I also never thought I would be that happy to be in good old Mexico City again.. Well, with this last landing it is also the end of my trip before I will return to Europe. I saw three countries, I traveled beautiful places with amazing people. I really had a great time and made a ton of memories in such a short time. For summing up my trip, I can say that I am happy that I made the experience of traveling for a month under the cheapest conditions I could imagine because I learned a lot from it. I can also say that I have the biggest amount of respect for people who manage to live out of a backpack for months and travel the world with it. I have to admit, on the long run, it’s not my cup of tea. I am still super curious to see more of the world but under different conditions. For now I would like to finish my studies, get a great job and then plan a shorter trip on which I can take my time and don’t have to pay special attention to money all the time. Now, at the end of my whole exchange semester and travels, I would also say that cultures do exist for a reason. Culture is the feeling of being home and belonging somewhere, and Europe is where I belong. So, hide the Nutella Jars, it’s almost time for me to come home! ♥️Baca selengkapnya