• Day 33

    Roswell (New Mexico)

    October 4, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Whenever we have a long drive ahead of us, we look for ways to break it up and do something fun in between. Then the trip feels more like a vacation because a day of sightseeing or sports adds value to the day. A full day of driving is really boring and we are always unsatisfied with such a day in the evening. We learned this on our long trip in 2016 and have stuck to it ever since.
    After Route 66 we had no idea what to do in Texas before we arrived in Hueco Tanks. One option would have been Carlsbad Cavern National Park, home to the world's largest dripstone cave, but we couldn't get there in time before it closed for the day. So we had to find something else. I browsed Google Maps and realized that we could take a tiny detour through New Mexico via Roswell, the famous place where all aliens tend to land (or crash) when they visit Earth. Perfect. We had to go there.
    Miles before we reached the town, everything was decorated with aliens and UFOs. We went downtown to the UFO Science and Research Museum, a place where all the evidence of the crash landing outside Roswell in the 40's has been collected, analyzed and displayed. They try to be objective, but when we heard a live lecture from one of the founders of this museum, we realized that they might be a bit biased 😂👽.
    And the audience questions were great. Pretty much every question was rhetorical. People just wanted their point of view confirmed. The government must be hiding something 🕵️
    It was a good stop and cut the 550 miles to Hueco Tanks in half. We grabbed a burrito and headed south. Back to Texas.
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