  • Giorno 62

    D62 Turkey - Adiyaman to Istanbul

    4 settembre 2019, Turchia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    A Snapshot of Our Day

    Photo 1 - We took the tram and the funicular to Taxim Square for dinner, we were in the mood for some street food that wasn’t a kebab or lentil soup!

    Photo 2 - Mete said to brace ourselves as this strip was busier than Times Square! Not sure about that but it sure was bloody busy - we even said if people got lost we should just make a bee line for the hotel at 9.30pm for rooftop drinks.

    Photo 3 - Mete had prepped us for the Istanbul-style “wet burger”, which was essentially a beef patty inside a soft burger bun and steamed, so when served it’s still really juicy inside. I wasn’t entirely convinced.

    Photo 4 - But I saw the queue and got sucked in by FOMO! It was pretty delicious , a bit weird, but I figured we wouldn’t get it at home. Washed down with a limonata it was a great start to the night! The vegetarians didn’t agree.

    Photo 5 - 10 steps away from the burger stall and we’re already drawn towards more food. There are so many pick and choose joints around, you’d never get tired of food in Istanbul!

    Photo 6 - Baklava. Dessert is not dessert if it isn’t wrapped in pastry, doused in sugar and sprinkled with nuts.

    Photo 7 - Doner kebabs have been a staple right throughout our trip. It’s a mix of beef and lamb, and makes a relatively “light lunch”.

    Photo 8 - That is 100% butter and my arteries hurt just looking at it.

    Photo 9 - Galata Tower, which we will hopefully try to climb tomorrow.

    Photo 10 - The Golden Horn at night is pretty spectacular, especially with all the huge mosques lit up so beautifully.
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