  • Dag 72

    2 weeks left

    8 december 2009, Ghana ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C


    Since I last wrote I have been down to Accra (The capitol of Ghana) to meet all the other volunteers for the last time before I leave and also to visit Krokrobete which is a village next to the sea! When I set off to Accra on Friday I planned to catch the bus at 12.30 but there was no bus even by 2 in sight, so I had to use a different service so my journey had set off very late. By the time I was arriving in Accra it was 8pm and that is very late to be travelling on your own here! Anyways I caught a taxi to the hostel where all the others was staying.

    The Friday evening we all decided to go out round the clubs in Accra, this was good fun and the music is also very similar to the music I would listen to back home so by the time 18 volunteers was stumbling back to the hostel it was about 4am - this is a rare sight in Ghana haha!
    Saturday morning I felt fine, although a few of the others was suffering!! 1 Dutch girl Sanne was really struggling but we don’t think that what was wrong with her was a hang over and as the day went on she just got worse. This was pretty worrying and we ended up taking her to hospital that evening, but the good news is she is OK now! We made our way over to Krokobete Saturday afternoon where we spent the day on the beach and checking out the stalls next to the beach although I was pretty annoyed as I forgot my swimming costume! That evening there was a live reggae band at the hotel, and we had a BBQ this was really good! We had paid to stay in a dormitory but little did we know this was just some mattresses outside in a hut! eeee well .

    Sunday I set of early back to Kumasi as I really didn't want to be travelling late again! I made it back to my village which was good so I chilled out with the children and a teacher showing them my pictures etc!

    School is going well, there’s a big issue with the head master at the moment as all he is interested in is gaining money and not the welfare of the students. This is having a big impact on the teachers and leading them not to even turn up to teach! This is not that good... I would offer to teach the students myself but I can only teach English haha I couldn't teach anything else as they are the same level as me! Apart from the huge minor issue of having no teachers turning up the school is doing ok! The football team is winning their matches!

    Anyways got to shoot, as I have 4 minutes remaining! Will try and write soon!

    love you all x
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