  • Giorno 8

    Pulpit Rock..... where are you?

    11 luglio 2017, Norvegia ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    Where - Stavanger, Norway
    Shore excursion - Lysefjord: Pulpit Rock Cruise
    Weather - Wet and cool, 14°C
    Steps - 11500 or 7.4km

    We docked in our first Norwegian port of Stavanger to a bit of a grey morning with a few light showers. The town itself is quite pretty and we wandered around it for an hour or so until the showers became heavier. We had booked a tour to view Pulpit Rock from the fjord but unfortunately by the time we got there the rock was covered in cloud and mist and we really couldn't see a thing. I guess we should be grateful we did not choose to hike up to the rock because that would have been just miserable , hiking for 2 hours up just to see a square flat rock but no view to the fjord below. On a clear day, this would have been spectacular. Oh well, you cannot control the weather and we had some nice waffles and coffee so that was ok.

    Saw a show this evening - an Italian born Australian who works in Las Vegas (typical casino style entertainment I imagine but he certainly could play the electric guitar). He wasn't too bad if you like that sort of thing. It's 10.30pm and the sun has only just set and still light. Tomorrow we dock at Eidfjord and the weather is predicted to be better than today thank goodness.
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